F03 Reading Notes

Hi everyone,

I have now uploaded a suitable lecture for F03 along with some reading notes.

Looking forward, I expect to publish such reading notes on a weekly or biweekly as relevant.

At this time, there are seven taking the self-study course and so I am applying for some funds for some TA support. I have a Ph.D. student, Joachim, who will help out until we find a TA - Joachim is excellent, BUT is already over-committed in terms of teaching load.

When reading messages - such as this one - remember to click on the message so that you get to see the ENTIRE message - not merely the first part.

Next week, I will present the first Oblig, D01, which will be about concurrency and distribution.

Find the lecture F03 here. Find the sample programs hiho.m and kilroy.m  here.

Find Hoare's 1974 article   here where you also can find Liskov's article about CLU, which introduced the concept of immutability that Emerald adopted.

Sincerely, Eric


Published Feb. 7, 2025 12:29 PM - Last modified Feb. 7, 2025 1:10 PM