Beat controlled motion floor

Elevates your emotions - by elevating you

By Sigmund Kleivene Sl?ttum

1) Software

Setup instructions:

Fetch code from src in this repo, navigate to directory where you want to run the code and

Open terminal and run:

$ cd /path/to/your/directory

Create the Environment:

$ conda env create -f environment.yml

Activate the Environment:

$ conda activate beat_controlled_floor

Verify Installation:

$ conda env list


$ conda deactivate

Delete the Environment (Optional):

$ conda env remove -n beat_controlled_floor

Run instructions:

$ python

2) Images from testing the robot

Image of the prototype in action

Image of the prototype in action

GIF of the prototype in action

Read more on my poster about the robot here. For information on CAD files, go to this repo.