
Organic low-poly design




What to do

  • Make an organic low poly subdivision part in Blender
  • Make your own Catmull-Clark subdivision algorithm


  • The part is an individually fitted sunglass based on a 3D scan of your face or an example face from the web
  • Style - double monocle
  • Fit - must be fully supported by the nose ridge
  • The part must be a low-poly design in Blender where it is subdivided by your own Catmull-Clark algorithm, either in Matlab or in Blender (Python). The code must be divided into 3 parts
  • Glass - not a requirement, but may be cut and fitted
  • Size of optional glass - since this sunglass is individually fitted, the glass may be located close to your eyes and may just slightly larger than contact lenses? (experimental design)

Submission/upload requirements

  • A rendered picture of the part
  • Your own Catmull-Clark algorithm in 3 parts
  • Optionally: a photo of the 3D printed part

Bildet kan inneholde: solbriller, panne, nese, briller, hake.Bildet kan inneholde: r?d, karmin, rektangel, leket?yblokk, torget.

Publisert 15. jan. 2021 11:59 - Sist endret 6. apr. 2021 08:07