
Published May 28, 2019 4:18 PM

Time            Group       Admitted to Oral Exam            
10-10.30          1           Henry Bor?y-Johnsen             
10.30-11.15      2    Christian Ytterhaug S?ther + Svein Bendik Manum            
11.15-12.00      6    Rao Muhammad Ali + Getinet Ayele Eshete    
12.00-13         lunch                
13-13.45           4    Emilie M?hlum + Rune Hovde            
13.45-14.30      5    Konstantin Lo...

Published May 22, 2019 4:29 PM

Dear Students,

The list of students that are admitted to the oral exam are the following:
G1 - Henry Bor?y-Johnsen        

G2 - Christian Ytterhaug S?ther + Svein    Bendik Manum

G3 - Tolga Zeybek + Arne R?en

G4 - Emilie M?hlum + Rune Hovde

G5 - Konstantin Logounov + Gagandeep Kaur

G6 - Rao Muhammad Ali + Getinet Ayele Eshete

G8 - Hans Christian Jenvild + Henrik Torland Klev

G10 - William Cesar Janoti

Those students whose names are not listed above can not do the oral exam as they have not fulfilled the mandatory part of the evaluation (talk and/or project).

The oral exam will be in June 6. Each oral exam will happen in a time slot and local that will be posted int this page.

In each slot, each one of the groups mentioned above enters into the exam room scheduled for that purpose (for those groups with only one student, just that s...

Published May 8, 2019 11:19 AM

Dear Students,

A new version of the detailed plan has just been published based on the delivered projects. Thus, please take into account the projects that will presented in each one the classes. For today, Wednesday, May 8, the groups are: G1, G2, and G3. All members of each group should be present in the class.

Best regards.

Published May 7, 2019 12:01 PM

Dear Students,

Please, note that, as stated in the project specification document, the project delivery deadline is May 7 at 17h CET.

Best regards.

Published May 6, 2019 3:27 PM

Dear Students,

I have just confirmed with the admin. that the Oral Exam is scheduled for June 6. Each exam will last about 1h (for groups of 2 students). The precise time to start will be arranged later.

Best regards.


Published Feb. 21, 2019 10:00 AM

Dear Students,

The location for the lab classes was changed to the following: "Datastue Fortress 3468". 

This lab has PCs with the Linux operating system.

This change will take place starting with the next lab class (Wednesday 27 Feb. 2019).

Best regards.

Published Feb. 20, 2019 10:54 AM

Dear Students,

Please see your group in the web page entitled "Lab Classes and Project Groups": /studier/emner/matnat/ifi/IN5600/v19/lab-classes/

Best regards.

Published Feb. 15, 2019 3:47 PM

Dear All,

As I said before, please send me (to my email) the members of the groups that you have made (groups of 2 students). I will wait for your email until next Tuesday (19 Feb), 12h.

Otherwise, I will arrange the groups myself, i.e. I will make groups with 2 students each, as I see fit.

Currently (18 Feb, 14h46), the groups are as follows:...

Published Feb. 4, 2019 11:21 AM

Dear Students,

Please note that it is mandatory to give a talk regarding one of the papers given. Thus, each one of you should already have a paper assigned. If that is not the case, please talk to me or send me an email ASAP. 

In addition, please make groups of 2 for the project. For this set of initial lab classes, you can work individually but then, for the project, please make groups of 2 and send me an email saying who the members are.

Thanks and Best regards.

Published Jan. 28, 2019 2:46 PM

Dear Students,

Please note that lab classes changed the location.

The new location is OJD Datastue Chill.

Best regards.

Published Jan. 17, 2019 4:29 PM

Dear Students,

From my notes from the first class, not all registered students have been present. Thus, please contact the student service to unregister from the course so that others can register. This is important given that there is a limit of 20 students for this course.

Thanks in advance.

Published Jan. 14, 2019 2:32 PM

Dear Students,

The detailed plan with the classes and talks is available now. The slides for the first class and the set of articles to be presented are also available.

Best regards.

Published Jan. 13, 2019 2:00 PM

Dear IN5600/IN9600 students,

A warm welcome to the first edition of this course on Programming Ubiquitous Things!

The first lecture is scheduled for tomorrow, Monday, January 14th, 2019 (12h15, KN Lille auditorium). Remember that this class is mandatory.

The TA sessions/Hjelpel?rertimer will start January 23rd, 2019 (note that this is one week later than stated in the original schedule).

Best regards.
