
Published Apr. 7, 2020 7:09 PM

Dear Students,

In the section called "questions" you can find several files each one containing a set of questions regarding the topics addressed in the course IN5600/PUT.

As you probably notice, the files include the topics that were discussed so far. The remaining topics (cybeforaging and replication) will be made available as soon as the corresponding issues are addressed in the lectures.

In the oral exam, the questions that will be asked will be strongly related to those in the files above (randomly chosen).

Obviously, if you have any question that you may want to discuss, please send me an email or try to find me on a conf. call, even during some class. Naturally, before  doing that, I suggest you study the issues addressed in the lectures (e.g., by 
reading the corresponding slides).

Best regards.


Published Apr. 3, 2020 9:38 AM

Dear Students,

The oral exam for PUT/IN5600, is on Tuesday, 19 May, from 13h to 18h30 as follows:

- group 1: 13h    - 13h30
- group 2: 13h30 - 14h
- group 3: 14h      - 14h30
- group 4: 14h30  -  15h
- group 5: 15h      - 15h30

break: 15h30 - 16h

- group 6: 16h      - 16h30
- group 7: 16h30  -  17h
- group 8: 17h      - 17h30
- group 9: 17h30  - 18h
- group 10: 18h    - 18h30

In addition, according to the UiO directives, regarding the evaluation:

- the project will be evaluated as a pass/fail

- the exam will be evaluated as a pass/fail

So, the final classification will be obviously pass/fail also.

Stay safe.

Published Mar. 16, 2020 12:33 PM

Dear Students,

Please see the mail I have sent you. In that email I basically say that:

- a new version of the detailed plan is already available (v14).

-  there are no classes on the week of 16th March to 20th March; thus, the next class will be on the 23 of March.

Best regards.



Published Feb. 28, 2020 4:59 PM

Dear Students,

A new version of the server for the Group Project has been made available (v2). You will probably do not notice any difference.


Published Feb. 22, 2020 4:15 PM

Dear Students,

Is is available in the folder "Group Project" a file with the several groups that will be doing the group project.


Published Feb. 19, 2020 12:16 PM

Dear Students,

Please send me an email with the Group Members no later than this week, Friday (21 February). Thanks.


Published Feb. 12, 2020 1:52 PM

Dear Students,

The file with the Lab. Exercise 4 is already available. The same applies to the specification of the Individual Project. Please, note that this Individual Project is mandatory and should be done only after doing the Lab. Exercise 4.


Best regards.

Published Feb. 10, 2020 9:34 AM

Dear Students,

Please consider a new article that is available in the file "Papers PUT". The new article is number 37 and its title is: "Using Architecture Models for Runtime Adaptability".  Accordingly, a new version of the detailed plan has been provided.


Best regards.



Published Jan. 17, 2020 11:47 AM

Dear All,

As explained in the first lecture, the first lab class will be on Monday, January 27, in which the goal will be for you to follow the steps indicated for Lab Guide 1 - Spring 2020 / Introduction to Android Studio and App Development.

Published Jan. 15, 2020 2:49 PM

Dear All,

Several files can not be found in here:

- PDF slides of the first class (2 slides/page)
- detailed plan as presented in the first lecture
- zip file with all the articles to be presented by students in lectures
- description of exercise 1 to be done by students in the first lab class (that will take place in Monday, 27 January, 2020)

Published Jan. 6, 2020 2:23 PM

Dear IN5600/IN9600 students,

A warm welcome to the 2020 edition of this course on Programming Ubiquitous Things!

The first lecture is scheduled for Wednesday, January 15th, 2020 (at 10h15 in Seminarrom Perl). Remember that this class is mandatory.

Best regards.
