Transition to module 2 + Congratulations

Today - we start with module 2, welcome.

Cogratulations:  Now all the wonder documents from the 11 groups are "handed" in; and all individual assignments also.

There are really many interesting questions now!!, here is a list of all:

Group 1 – AI in the workforce

1. How is the introduction of AI into the mainstream workforce impacting IT

professionals and to what extent?

2. What are the workers’ expectations towards the introduction of AI in the



Group 2 – Recruiting by AI

1.Hvordan forholder arbeidstakere/arbeidsgivere seg til en rekrutteringsprosess som

inkluderer bruk av AI i forhold til en som ikke tar i bruk AI?

2.Har arbeidstakere/arbeidsgivere en relativ tillit til AI’s rekrutterings-evne?

3.Hva kan v?re konsekvensen av for h?y eller for lav tillit til AI i rekrutteringssammenheng?


Group 3 – Generative AI used among students


Hvordan bruker studenter generativ AI i studiesammenheng?

Hvilke konsekvenser har det?


Group 4  - Research Management Systems and AI; critical thinking

How does AI simplify reference organization in research management systems?

How can AI adapt to diverse user needs in library systems?

What are the privacy implications of AI in library systems?


Group 5 – Ownership of Generative AI images

1. Who owns the generative AI results produced by DALL-E and Midjourney, and which factors are affecting the ownership of AI generated images?

2. How can generated AI results affect societal problems within creativity, ethics and privacy?


Group 6  - Cheating with AI - gaming

How can AI be used to cheat?

How can AI be used to cheat in video games?

How can AI prevent cheating?

How does the future of AI-based anti-cheating look?


Group 7 – AI in higher education learning

1. How do students use AI for learning?

2. How does the use of AI affect a student's ability to learn?


Group 8 – Make a better learning environment for students by AI


Why would this be beneficial for the professor?

It is crucial to ask why you want to do something, unless you have a good answer to why, there might not be a good reason to do it at all.

What is the most proficient way to do this?


Group 9 – Ethical dilemmas; Writing process -authorship -Intellectual property and creativity

1. How Does AI Assistance Impact the Writing Process and Final Output?

2. Who should be credited as the author of AI-generated content? The human

creators of the AI system? The AI system itself? Both? This is a complex

question with no easy answer (Makam, 2023)

3. How can we prevent AI-generated content from being used to spread

disinformation or propaganda? AI-generated content can be used to create

fake news articles, social media posts, and other forms of disinformation. We

need to develop ways to detect and prevent the spread of AI-generated

disinformation.(Holzapfel et al., 2022)


Group 10 – Autonomous Vehicles – safety and regulatory – inclusion – ethical dilemmas

What are the safety considerations and regulatory challenges associated with the integration

of autonomous vehicles into the Norwegian transportation system?

Do autonomous mobility solutions enhance inclusivity and equitable access?

What ethical dilemmas emerge from the implementation of autonomous vehicles, and how

can they be ethically navigated to ensure public acceptance?


Group 11 Geneartive AI  - Chatbots in social media

1. How can the use of chatbots be a valuable resource for people with special needs?

2. What problems could arise when exposing children to “commercial” chatbots in social media?

3. How can we facilitate good practice, ethics and privacy for interaction with chatbots in Norway?

Publisert 25. sep. 2023 11:36 - Sist endret 25. sep. 2023 11:36