Exercise set 3.
The second week of this course covers chapters 7 and 8 of Programming in Haskell by Graham Hutton. The topic is higher order functions and type classes.
The objective of the exercises is to gain some initial hands-on programming experience with Haskell. Consider reading through the entire exercise set before you start working on it.
This weeks exercises are based on an assignment, developed by Andrzej Filinski for the course Advanced Programming at The University of Copenhagen.
Simple Integer Arithmetic Expressions
Consider the following algebraic data type, which represents simple arithmetic expressions:
data Expression =
Constant Integer
| Addition Expression Expression
| Subtraction Expression Expression
| Multiplication Expression Expression
| Division Expression Expression
| Exponentiation Expression Expression
-- ... (additional constructors; see next section)
To be precise, a simple integer arithmetic expression is either an integer
constant, or one of the following five operations on two subexpressions:
addition, subtraction, multiplication, integer division or exponentiation.
Note that there is no provision for including explicit parentheses in the
representation, as the tree structure of an Expression
-typed value
already encodes the intended grouping.
Printing simple arithmetic expressions.
Define a function
showExpression :: Expression -> String
that renders a simple arithmetic expression as a string, using the usual
Haskell infix notation, using +
, -
, *
, div
and ^
to represent the
fice arithmetic operators mentioned above.
Include enough parentheses in the output to ensure that the output string can be correctly read and evaluated as a Haskell expression, and that any two different Expressions have distinct renderings (even if they would evaluate to the same result).
If the expression to be printed is not one of the above-mentioned six forms
(i.e., if it belongs to the ...
part of the Expression
above), your code should explicitly report the problem with an appropriate
message (using the standard function error
), rather than crash out
with a non-exhaustive pattern-match error.
Evaluating expressions
Integer arithmetic expressions can be evaluated to numeric results. For
instance, div n m
(for m /= 0
) to be the d
part of
{ \over m} = d + {r \over m}
Additionally, we requrire that the exponent (second subexpression) in a
-operation is non-negative, and specify that n^0 = 1
for all
integers n
, including 0
evaluateSimple :: Expression -> Integer
such that evalSimple
e computes the value of e, under the usual
Haskell interpretation of the arithmetic operators specified above. If an
error occurs inside a builtin operation (e.g., a division by zero), it is
fine to just abort with the relevant Haskell runtime error.
Extended arithmetic expressions
Now, consider a richer class of expressions, given by the datatype:
type Name = String
data Expression =
-- ... (6 constructors from above)
| Variable Name
| If {condition, yes, no :: Expression}
| Let {x :: Name, definition, body :: Expression}
| Sum {i :: Name, from, to, body :: Expression}
Here, the expression form If e1 e2 e3
represents a conditional
expression (analogous to e1 ? e2 : e3
in C). That evaluates
to the result of evaluating e2
if e1
evaluates to a non-zero value;
or the value of e3
The expression Let v e1 e2
is used to bind the variable name v
to the value of e1
, (only) the duration of evaluating e2
Afterwards, the previous binding (if any) of v is reinstantiated.
It is deliberately left unspecified (i.e., you as the implementer may
decide) whether an error occurring in the defining expression e1
be signaled if the bound variable v
is not actually used in the body
Finally, the expression form Sum i e1 e2 e3
corresponds to the
mathematical summation notation: $$\sum_{i=e_1}^{e_2} e_3$$ That is, it first
evaluates $e_1$ and $e_2$ to numbers $n_1$ and $n_2$, and then computes the
sum of the results of evaluating $e_3$, where $v$ is bound to each of the
values $n_1, n_1+1,...,n_2$ in turn.
To keep track of variable bindings, we introduce an environment, which maps variable names to their values (if any). An environment may be represented by a higher order function of the following type:
type Environment = Name -> Maybe Integer
That is, if r
is an environment and x
is a variable name, then r x
should return Just n
for the value that was bound to x
, and Nothing
otherwise. Define a function
Define a function
evaluateFull :: Expression -> Environment -> Integer
that evaluates an expression in a given environment. As in the previous
exercise, you may signal an error using the built-in function error
Returning explicit errors
Promptly aborting evaluation with a Haskell error
is a fairly drastic
step, and in particular makes it impossible to recover gracefully from a
conceptually non-fatal problem. A more flexible approach makes the
evaluator function return an explicit indication of what went wrong, and
lets the user of the evaluator decide what to do next. Accordingly,
enumerate some possible failures:
data ArithmeticError =
Unbound Name -- unbound variable
| DivisionByZero -- attempted division by zero
| NegativeExponent -- attempted raising to negative power
| Other String -- any other errors, if relevant
Define a Haskell function
type Result = Either ArithmeticError Integer
type ErrorEnvironment = Name -> Result
evaluateError :: Expression -> ErrorEnvironment -> Result
such that evalError e r
attempts to evaluate e
in environment r
as in evalFull
, but now returns either an error value or a proper result
rather than causing a Haskell runtime error (except possibly by running out
of memory).
Challenge warmup (Minimally Bracketed Expressions)
Define a function
showConcise :: Expression -> String
Such that the string showConcise e
represents an equivalent Haskell
expression to that of showExp e
, but containing the minimal number of
parenthesis and spaces.
You should assume that the arithmetic operators have the conventional
precedences and associativities (Add (Cst 2) (Mul (Cst 3) (Cst 4)))
be represented as "2+3*4"
, whereas (Add (Cst 2) (Add (Cst 3) (Cst 4)))
should be represented by "2+(3+4)"
Challenge of the week (Evaluation Strategies)
In evalError
, there are two natural interpretations of an expression Let
; We can always evaluate e1
regardless of whether v
appears in e2
. And, we can postpone evaluating e1
until (if at all)
its value is needed in e2
. We will refer to the former interpretation as
the Eager
evaluation strategy, and the latter strategy, we will call
Define and implement a function
data EvaluationStrategy = EagerEvaluation | LazyEvaluation
evaluateUsing :: EvaluationStrategy -> Expression -> ErrorEnvironment -> Result
such that either evalUsing LazyEvaluation
or evalUsing EagerEvaluation
is semantically equivalent to your implementation of evaluateError