Campuswire not allowed to use

I have now been told that Campuswire is not allowed to use for teaching at UiO, as Campuswire do not comply with GDPR. This means that we need to find a replacement for Q&A and discussion.

To this end, we will use Github were I have set up an empty repo. The idea is that we can (ab)use Github issues for questions and discussion. So, if you have a question or something you want to discuss, simply make an issue in the repo and I or fellow students can answer using comments on the issue. Once the question is answered, the issue can be marked as closed.

The repo I have set up is

You need to log in (with your regular UiO-username and password) to be able to see it and post questions/issues. I do not yet know whether I have to give you special permissions to make issues, but please send me an email if you need access, and I will add you all :)

- Leif Harald

Publisert 1. feb. 2021 19:39 - Sist endret 1. feb. 2021 19:39