New version of Lore

I have released a new and improved version of Lore. The two main changes are as follows:

- Lore can now accept the standard database connection flags normally provided to psql, and will then execute the translated SQL-commands directly in the database (so no need to use psql for this anymore). This is now the default, so if you only want to write the SQL-commands to file (or standard out), add the "-w" or "--write" flag

- If you provide connection details, Lore will can use the information about tables, views and relations already stored in the database. So now you can use tables, views and relations already in the database in your implications, and in general incrementally build your database/knowledgebase

The new version can be downloaded here. I will update the Lore-page with description and examples over the next couple of days. I will also do a similar improvement to TripleLore in the comming days :) If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!

- Leif Harald

Publisert 10. mai 2021 21:27 - Sist endret 10. mai 2021 21:27