Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
25.08.2011Sverre Holm? "Postscript", room 2458 OJD? Introduction to the course? Introduction?
01.09.2011Fritz Albregtsen? "Postscript", room 2458 OJD? Geometrical Optics I? Imaging - an introduction(pdf-file)

Reflection, refraction, diffraction and scattering (pdf-file)

Lecture notes (pdf, 1:4)

Exercises I

Solutions to Exercises I ?

08.09.2011Fritz Albregtsen? "Postscript", room 2458 OJD? Geometrical Optics II? Lecture notes (pdf, 1:4)

Exercises II

Solution to Exercises II ?

15.09.2010Anne Schistad Solberg? "Postscript", room 2458 OJD? Remote Sensing? Lecture notes

Some exercises?

22.09.2011Yoann Paichard? "Postscript", room 2458 OJD? Radar? Lecture notes

Radar exercises


29.09.2011Roy E Hansen? "Postscript", room 2458 OJD? Sonar? Sonar introduction

Sonar presentation



06.10.2011Sverre Holm? "Postscript", room 2458 OJD? Medical Ultrasound Imaging? Medical Ultrasound Imaging




13.10.2011Andreas Austeng? "Postscript", room 2458 OJD? Acoustic Imaging? In addition to the chapter that was handed out in the lecture: For norsklesere anbefales Medisinsk ultralydavbildning, Sverre Holm


Solutions ?

20.10.2011Endrias Getachew Asgedom? "Postscript", room 2458 OJD? Seismics I? Lecture note


Solution ?

27.10.2011Endrias Getachew Asgedom? "Postscript", room 2458 OJD? Seismics II? ?
03.11.2011Endrias Getachew Asgedom? "Postscript", room 2458 OJD? Seismology? Lecture note


solution ?

10.11.2011Peter N?sholm? "Postscript", room 2458 OJD? Medical Imaging (CT, MR, PET) ? Lecture notes?
17.11.2011? ? ? ?
24.11.2011? ? ? ?
01.12.2011Holm and Albregtsen? "Postscript", room 2458 OJD? Summing up? Questions regarding the exam and the curriculum, and previous years' exams.

About the exam ?

08.12.2011? ? ? ?
16.12.2011? ? ? Written exam, 14:30 - 17:30 (4 hours).?
Publisert 23. aug. 2011 16:07 - Sist endret 30. nov. 2011 17:55