Til orientering


I've begun to promote the Semicolon competition (see website http://bit.ly/utfordring) in the following channels:
- IFI facebook (since Thursday 23)
- IFI screens (since Monday 27)
- IFI event (since Monday 27)
- Lots of posters in almost every building of Blindern (since Friday 24)
- Announcement in a couple of courses in Library studies of the Univ. College of Oslo (since Wednesday 22)

Up to now, I have 8 registrations, all coming from the Library studies. Thus, it could be good to announce this competition in some relevant courses at IFI. Martin has proposed to announce it in his course on Semantic technologies. Can you think on any other possible courses? (I can contact with the teachers afterwards)

Thanks for all!


Publisert 28. jan. 2014 12:27