
Dato Undervises av Sted Tema Kommentarer / ressurser
20.08.2012 Dino Karabeg  Simula, OJD  Introduksjon. Binærtrær og kompleksitetsklasser.   MAW kapittel 2, 4.1-4.3, 4.6


ukeoppgave 1 (trees and binary search trees) and exercises plus hints

27.08.2012 Dino Karabeg  Simula, OJD   Søketrær (AVL trær, B-trær)   MAW kapittel 4.4, 4.7

Oblig 1 (first mandatory assignment). As input you should use a text-file with the "words". It is given here as (ordbook_latin1.txt).

Exercises 2 (second series of exercises, about (balanced) trees

exercises 2 with hints

Lecture 2 slides

03.09.2012 Dino Karabeg  as usual: Simula room in OJD  Abstract data types. Map. Hashing.  MAW kapittel 3.1, 4.8, 5

Lecture 3 slides

Exercises 3 and exercises 3 with hints

10.09.2012 Martin Steffen  again: Simula, OJD  Priority queues & heaps  Lecture 4 slides (preliminary) and corresponding handout version

(cf. the book in Chap. 6.1-6.4, 6.5. Heap sort is in 7.5

corresponding exercises 4

and with some hints

17.09.2012 Martin Steffen  Simula auditorium  Graphs (I)  lecture 5 slides and as handout

it corresponds to parts of chap 9 of M.A.W, namely 9.1, 9.2 (the definitions + representations), 9.3 (topological sorting) and 9.3.1, the part of 9.3 which deals with unweighted shortest paths. (Note: 9.3.2 will come next, and perhaps more of 9.3)

lecture 5 exercises

 Mandatory assignment (``oblig'') 2 + additional input files .  

24.09.2012 Steffen  Simula  more about graphs and their algorithms  lecture 6


and exercises 6 with hints

01.10.2012 M. Steffen  Simula  more on Graphs (min span tree, DFS + applications)  slides (partially repeated from last week) and handout version

exercises 7 for graph 2

and exercises 7 with hints

08.10.2012 Steffen  Simula  combinatorical search and recursion (plus finishing SCC)  slides and handout version of slides


Kompendium combinatorics inf1010

15.10.2012 Dino Karabeg  Simula  Computability and Complexity  Kompendium in210 pp. 56-59, 72-76, 80-83

NP-completeness (Ch. 9.7)

Exercises 9 and Exercises 9 with hints

Lecture slides

18.10.2012 Steffen  Simula  Text Algorithms I  lecture 10 (and aldeady 11) concerning Textalgorithms (in particular Boyer-Moore).

original article from Boyer-Moore

exercises 10 (BM)

and exercises 10 with hints

31.10.2012 Steffen  Simula  Textalgo (2) + Paradigms  Huffman, Dynamic programming, programming paradigms.

exercises 11


exercises 11 with hints

05.11.2012 Arne Maus  Simula  Sortering , del I  Lysark fra forelesningen-1side

Lysark fra forelesningen-4perSide


plus code for SortProg.java

see also (for easyIO) the corresponding page at INF1000

oblig 3: the mandatory assignment is downloadable here . Note that (upon request) we have extended the deadline slighty. 

12.11.2012 Arne Maus  Simula  Parallell sortering, del II  Lysark fra forelesning -1 per side

Enklere lysark fra forelesning -1 per side


kap19 i Rett på Java

Parallell kode

19.11.2012 Steffen & Karabeg  OJD  Repetition + old exams  exam 2011 (english) and bokmål

exam 2011 (english) + hints

26.11.2012   OJD  Repetition/old exams  exam 2010 (english)

and exam 2010 with hints



Publisert 17. aug. 2012 17:52 - Sist endret 25. mars 2013 14:08