Lazar, Feng og Hochheiser: Research Methods in HCI, 2010. Wiley. ISBN: 978-0-470-72337-1.
T?ftoy-Andersen og Wold: Praktisk bruker-testing, 2011. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISBN: 978-82-02-34350-7. Ikke obligatorisk, men hjelpsomm med den praktiske delen av prosjekter.
INF4060 studens: please select two good research papers relevant for your course projects and use them actively in your reports. Please cite them in the report and mark or highlight for me. These will be your pensum for the final exam.
Literature supporting the lectures
Rigour and Relevance: Knowledge Production in Interaction Design
HCI and Design Thinking: effects on Innovation in the academic library