
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
17.01.2008Stephan Oepen (oe)? Informatikkbygningen, 3A? overview; course plan? Jurafsky & Martin (2008), Chapter 1

Slide Copies??

24.01.2008oe? 3A? Regular Languages? Jurafsky & Martin (2008), Chapter 2?
29.01.2008André Lynum (andrely) & Stephan Oepen (oe)? Preklinisk Odontologi, 121? (Allegro) Common Lisp? Slide Copies

First Exercise

Model Solution

The Ultimate Editor

Emacs Cheat Sheet

Emacs–Lisp Interface?

31.01.2008oe? 3A? Regular Algebra? ?
05.02.2008andrely & oe? 121? Tokenization and Segmentation? Slide Copies

Second Exercise

Model Solution

Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions for Common Lisp

Grefenstette & Tapanainen (1994) (Optional)?

07.02.2008oe? 3A? Fundamentals of Morphology? Jurafsky & Martin (2008), Chapter 3 (skip Sections 3.4.1, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9.1, and onwards)?
12.02.2008andrely? 121? Model Solutions; The Lisp Environment? ?
14.02.2008oe? 3A? Context-Free Grammars? Sag, Wasow, & Bender (2003), Chapters 1 and 2 (skip Sections 2.8 and 2.9)

Jurafsky & Martin (2008), Chapter 12 (optional; skip Section 12.4.3, 12.5, 12.7, and onwards)

Slide Copies?

19.02.2008andrely & oe ? 121? Abstract Data Types; Parsing? Slide Copies

Third Exercise

Model Solution?

21.02.2008oe? 3A? Context-Free Parsing? Jurafsky & Martin (2008), Chapter 13 (up to and including Section 13.4.1)

Slide Copies??

22.02.2008? ? ? First Obligatory Assignment (Part A)

Model Solution?

26.02.2008andrely & oe ? 121? Chart Parsing? Jurafsky & Martin (2008), Chapter 13 (Sections 13.4.1, 13.4.2, and 13.4.3)?
28.02.2008oe? 3A? Chart Parsing? Slide Copies?
04.03.2008andrely & oe? 121? Chart Parsing? First Obligatory Assignment (Part B) ?
06.03.2008oe? 3A? Basics of Statistical Parsing? Jurafsky & Martin (2008), Chapter 14 (skip Sections 14.1.2, 14.4, and onwards).

Slide Copies?

10.03.2008? ? ? First Assignmnent Due (9:00 h)?
11.03.2008andrely & oe? 121? Probabilistic CFGs? ?
13.03.2008oe? 3A? Language and Complexity? Jurafsky & Martin (2008), Chapter 15 (all of it)

Slide Copies??

18.03.2008? ? No Laboratory? (Easter Holiday)?
20.03.2008? ? No Instruction? (Easter Holiday)?
25.03.2008? ? No Laboratory? (Easter Recovery)?
27.03.2008andrely? 3A? Model Solutions? ?
01.04.2008? ? No Laboratory? (No Jokes)?
03.04.2008? ? No Instruction? (Mid-Term Week)?
08.04.2008andrely? 121? Grammar Engineering with the LKB? Second Obligatory Assignment

Model Solution?

10.04.2008oe? 3A? Unification-Based Grammar? Sag, Wasow, & Bender (2003), Chapter 3

Slide Copies?

15.04.2008andrely? 121? ? Grammar Engineering with the LKB?
17.04.2008oe? 3A? Complementation and Modification? Sag, Wasow, & Bender (2003), Chapter 4 (up to and including Section 4.6.2)?
22.04.2008andrely? 121? Grammar Engineering with the LKB? ?
23.04.2008? ? ? Second Assignment Due (9:00 h)?
24.04.2008oe? 3A? Modification? Sag, Wasow, & Bender (2003), Chapter 8 (skip Sections 8.3 and 8.9 onwards)

Third Obligatory Assignment

Model Solution?

29.04.2008andrely & oe? 121? Lexical Rules? Slide Copies?
01.05.2008? ? No Instruction? (Ascension Day)?
06.05.2008andrely & oe? 121? Grammar Engineering with the LKB? ?
07.05.2008? ? ? Third Assignment Due (9:00 h)?
08.05.2008oe? 3A? Model Solution; Semantics? Sag, Wasow, & Bender (2003), Chapter 5 (up to and including Section 5.6)

Final Obligatory Assignment

Model Solution

Slide Copies?

13.05.2008andrely & oe? 121? Meaning Composition? ?
15.05.2008oe? 3A? Meaning Composition and Linking? Jurafsky & Martin (2008), Chapter 17 (up to and including Section 17.5, glossing over Section 17.3)?
20.05.2008andrely? 121? ? ?
22.05.2008oe? 3A? Construction Semantics; Machine Translation? Copestake, Flickinger, Pollard, & Sag (2006) (Optional)

Slide Copies??

26.05.2008? ? ? Fourth Assignmnent Due (9:00 h)?
27.05.2008andrely? 121? Questions & Answers; Exam Preparation? ?
29.05.2008oe? 3A? Summary; Sample Exam? ?
12.06.2008? ? Exam? ?
Publisert 15. jan. 2008 12:10 - Sist endret 30. mai 2008 18:09