Til eksamen er alle trykte og skrevne hjelpmidler tillatt, dvs boken, handouts, ukeoppgaver og egne notater.
For the exam, all printed and written material are allowed, that is the book, handouts, weekly exercises and your own notes.
New version of solution to exam 2005 has been uploaded, with more explanation of 1 d) and e).
Next week there will be no group lesson. Exercises on OO-II will be for November 12.
Final deadline for mandatory exercise 1 is Friday October 31.
The deadline for the first mandatory exercise ("oblig 1") is changed from Monday 20.10 to Tuesday 21.10.
The 1st mandatory exercise ("oblig 1") is to be handed in to Martin Johansen (
If you have any questions or need help with the exercise, do not hesitate to contact Martin!
The 1st mandatory exercise ("oblig 1") is available following the link "Detaljert undervisningsplan".
Etteranmeldingen i INF3110 starter l?rdag 23. august. Det er obligatorisk oppm?te p? f?rste forelesning for alle som melder seg p? f?r f?rste forelesning.