?velsene starter f?rst i uken som starter med 2. september.
For the exam it is allowed to bring all printed and written material, including the textbook.
Volker will be available for your questions on ML and Prolog next Monday, Dec. 9th, from 14:14-15:00 in M?terom 8459 (8th floor).
Bring your own questions :-) (And remember you can always ask us directly or per email anyway.)
Answers to the exams for the last three years have been uploaded - links on the right hand side of the page.
New version of solutions to OO-II has been uploaded, especially with new text on problem 2.
…as per the undervisningsplan. Apologies for the late clarification.
Those of you that have got a not-approved on Mandatory 1 will get one more chance: Deadline Oct 27.
We understand that there has been some uncertainties and misunderstandings on what to do in the mandatory exercise, so therefore one more chance.
Because many have got 'approved', those of you that try once more may be selected for an extra oral discussion on the solution that you submit.
To clarify: The interpreter shall be based upon a set of classes that define the objects that form the abstract syntax tree for a given ROBOL program. The abstract syntax trees for each of the test examples are simply to be made by generating the objects of the tree, i.e. you do not have to make a scanner and parser for ROBOL.
A skeleton/sketch for the second mandatory assignment may be downloaded here:
(You don't have to use this.)
There is a forthcoming nordic programming contest, where UiO is a participating site, which you may find interesting to participate in. You can compete in teams of 1 to 3 people. Remember to register before Oct 3.
Practice/warmup round: Oct 3. 17:15 to 19:15, in Assembler, IFI2
The actual competition: Oct 5. from 10:30, in Limbo and Assembler, IFI2
For more info :
For some reason it has become unclear what are the requirements on a solution to Mandatory 1.
The text of the assignment says:
"Make an interpreter for ROBOL in Java.'
The first lecture defined an interpreter, and it is obvious that it does not include a scanner and parser. However, it is no error also to make a scanner and parser, but you have to make an interpreter.
The text of the mandatory also says:
'..., we do not use scanners
and parsers to turn the test programs into a structure that is
suitable for interpretation (e.g. abstract syntax tree). You are
supposed to make Java code that makes the structure that represents each test program.'
It is up to you how you will do this, but one option is to have this Java code (that makes the structure in terms of an abstract syntax tree) as part of constructors.
The second group session this week will be held in the large auditorium (Store Aud) in Ifi 1, Friday 13th at 12:15-14:00.
See you there!
Ved en feil har ikke gruppe 1 (onsdag 10-12) blitt stengt.
For de av dere som ikke klarer ? f? til tirsdager 14-16 vil vi finne en annen tid.