Eksamenssettet skal besvares digitalt, med unntak av noen enkeltoppgaver skal besvares med penn og papir. Se instruksjonsvideo: .
Arkene du bruker til ? besvare penn- og papiroppgavene, er spesialtilpassede "skisseark" som blir delt ut i eksamenslokalet. Du leverer inn skissearkene p? vanlig m?te etter endt eksamen. Arkene blir deretter skannet av eksamensvaktene og lastet opp til din digitale besvarelse. Det er derfor viktig at du fyller ut skissearkene p? riktig m?te. Skissearkene m? fylles ut med bl? eller sort kulepenn (ta med dette selv). Det er ikke anledning til ? bruke blyant eller penn med annen farge. Se "Instruksjon for digital h?ndtegning"...
Part 1 :
Exercises combining some of the curriculum about types and subtypes from Eyvind's lectures with
some SML stuff and of course Prolog.
Some of these exercises are probably a little hard and goes a bit outside the normal exam exercises for Prolog in this course.
Check out old exams to see the normal difficulty of prolog exercises on the exams.
Link : Prolog exercise
Part 2 :
Question 3 (a,b,c) in Exam 2015
There is an error in 3c Exam2015. The 3 and 5 value in the heap should be switched, so that the heap is actually a heap.
There will be a detailed solution available after a week or so.
In class, the solution to last year's exam was requested. Here it is :)
In the SML oblig 2 it says that you are not allowed to use assignments.
That means that you can't use mutable references (destructive updates) and assign new values to these.
val mutVar = ref 1;
mutVar := 2;
You are of course allowed to use variable bindings as in
val x = 1;
let val (a,b) in a+b end;
Mandatory exercise 2 is now out, with deadline on October 17. The task is to implement the same interpreter as you did in oblig 1, but this time using functional programming with SML. Download it here.
Gruppetimen mandag 18. september er avlyst pga gruppel?reren er bortreist.
Det er muligheter for studentene ? g? p? en av de andre gruppetimene, tirsdag eller fredag.
The first oblig is out, download it here. Deadline September 19th.
There were some requests last time for screencasts, so I have tried to make some for today's lecture. The quality leaves something to be desired, but hey, I've never done this before! :) There will be links from the lecture plan as soon as the uploads finish. Hope this helps those of you that are not able to attend the lectures. I would still strongly urge you to be at the lectures though, since part of the learning process is the interactivity that gets lost in these captures.
Hi everyone, and welcome to the first lecture! On Tuesday, we will begin with a short intro to the course, and what you can expect to learn. Then, we'll move on to the subject matter proper, and talk about syntax and semantics of programming languages.
Feel free to ask any questions you might have about the course.
See you soon!