Regarding the first compulsory assignment...

OBS: When delivering, please write the usernames of the group members in the .pdf file 


Tip: Within Firefox uncheck ?automatically install updates? under the settings, to disable the browser for automatically updating to Firefox 58 aka, current version. 


Part 2.1. Demo page

The server is unavailable for the demo page in this task, meaning that the website is down. Therefore to perform the tasks for this part use this link instead —


To accommodate for this change the user story in task 1.1 of Part 2.1. Demo page, changes to the following: 


As a new student, I want to purchase 1 MacBook and 1 phone, so that I do my homework and call my friends.


This change is fixed in the most recent version of the assignment description. 

Publisert 26. feb. 2018 16:30 - Sist endret 26. feb. 2018 16:32