Those of you who want a design review for P6 can sign up using the following link:
In the file overview table in the P6 project description (6.html), block.c is not highlighted as one of the files you need to change, even if it says it should be changed in the rightmost column. It is in fact among the files you need to change. We apologize for the confusion this might have caused.
The presentation of P6 will be held today, Thursday 1. December, at 16:00 in Smalltalk.
You can sign up for P5 design review using the following link:
The version of the slides used for today's (10.11.2011 Thursday) presentation of P5 is now available in the directory where you obtain the pre-code and project description. It is named "p5-intro2.pdf".
The presentation of P5 will be held today (10.11.2011 Thursday) at 16:00.
P4 Design Proposals have been corrected. You can sign up for the design review using the following link:
The presentation of P4 will be held today, Thursday 20. October, in Smalltalk at 16:00 as usual.
P3 Design Proposals have been corrected. You can sign up for the design review using the following link:
Indicative grades for individual assignments will be published on the course page. Grades for P2A are now available. The grades for a given assignment regard that assignment alone, e.i., it is not an average across previous grades (see also the Administrative FAQ).
P2 Design Proposals have been corrected. You can sign up for the design review using the following link:
Several students have still not delivered the statement on the use of course material. If you do not deliver this, you will not get access to P2. Please deliver it ASAP in the same letter box as you delivered P1A! The form can be retrieved here: /studier/emner/matnat/ifi/INF3151/h11/pensumliste/
There was a mistake in the poll we created, and we had to correct that. Please, sign up for the Design Review again. We apologize for inconveniences. Link is still the same:
P1 Design Proposals will be corrected by tomorrow (Friday). To sign up for the design review, use this link:
P1 will be made available at 13:00 Wednesday 24.08. To obtain the files, first use ssh to log into Then, the files can be obtained (copied) from the folder /hom/inf3151/prosjekter/P1 (see also "Project assignments" on the course page). If you log into one of the computers in the assigned lab room, you can copy the files directly into one of your folders (e.i., with "cp /hom/inf3151/prosjekter/P1/* yourfolder").
Note: To get you started early, the group lectures will start already on Friday 26. August.