
Publisert 20. juni 2014 09:14
Sensuren i dette emnet er dessverre forsinket pga sykdom blant sensorene. Dere vil f? n?rmere beskjed om n?r sensuren vil foreligge etter hvert. Vennlig hilsen studieadministrasjonen
Publisert 17. feb. 2014 14:52

We have now published a new LaTeX template that actually works and uses the new front page.

Publisert 22. jan. 2014 13:10

If you want to fix the library issues with bochsi instead of using, you can download and source this file:

cp /hom/inf3151/tools/ .

source ./

It will define an alias for bochs with internal debugging called bochsid depending on the machine you're logged in to.

Publisert 22. jan. 2014 12:03

Due to hanging upgrades from Redhat 5 to RedHat 6, bochsi will not work on the login cluster because of missing libraries. If you want to work remotely, please use this machine:

ssh -X

(You might have to source your .bashrc file to setup your $PATH correctly)

source ~/.bashrc

We are working to resolve the library issues.

Publisert 16. jan. 2014 13:27

We have corrected an issue in the P0 assignment. Please download the latest version from /hom/inf3151/prosjekter/P0/0_pre.tar

Publisert 14. jan. 2014 14:22

The first assignment can now be downloaded (see "project assignments" link). Note that this assignment is not mandatory, but recommended as an easy project to refresh C and assembly.

You can find more assembly tasks at the INF2270 course pages.

Publisert 14. jan. 2014 14:20

The first group teaching lecture takes place friday 12:15-14:00 in Modula. You can get help here with the first (voluntary) project.

Publisert 12. jan. 2014 14:56

The first lecture takes place wednesday 15/1 14:15 at Lille Aud, KN.

Other important notices:

> Within next wednesday (22/1) one member of each group must send a mail to with each group partner's username. Please include "INF3151" or "INF4151" in the subject field. More in the introductory lecture.

> All students must sign and hand in this declaration to the TA. Those who do not deliver it will not gain access to the exams.