We have now published a new LaTeX template that actually works and uses the new front page.
If you want to fix the library issues with bochsi instead of using, you can download and source this file:
cp /hom/inf3151/tools/ .
source ./
It will define an alias for bochs with internal debugging called bochsid depending on the machine you're logged in to.
Due to hanging upgrades from Redhat 5 to RedHat 6, bochsi will not work on the login cluster because of missing libraries. If you want to work remotely, please use this machine:
ssh -X
(You might have to source your .bashrc file to setup your $PATH correctly)
source ~/.bashrc
We are working to resolve the library issues.
We have corrected an issue in the P0 assignment. Please download the latest version from /hom/inf3151/prosjekter/P0/0_pre.tar
The first assignment can now be downloaded (see "project assignments" link). Note that this assignment is not mandatory, but recommended as an easy project to refresh C and assembly.
You can find more assembly tasks at the INF2270 course pages.
The first group teaching lecture takes place friday 12:15-14:00 in Modula. You can get help here with the first (voluntary) project.
The first lecture takes place wednesday 15/1 14:15 at Lille Aud, KN.
Other important notices:
> Within next wednesday (22/1) one member of each group must send a mail to with each group partner's username. Please include "INF3151" or "INF4151" in the subject field. More in the introductory lecture.
> All students must sign and hand in this declaration to the TA. Those who do not deliver it will not gain access to the exams.