Summary lecture slide is updated in the course webpage.
- The slides for the topic ''A critical look at the Internet / Alternative network architectures" has been updated in the teaching plan.
- The slides for the topic "New Internet Standards" was also updated in the teaching plan.
To know the end of a file, the server needs to know its length (or have some other indication). Since we don't even expect that the file name is transferred, we also assume that the file size is given to the server as a command line argument, to keep things simple.
Home exam 2 is available since 16 April. Today, 17 April, a minor announcement was made to it, to clarify that the file transfer server and client must not communicate with the MIP daemon directly - they must only communicate with the MIPTP daemon.
The names for naming hosts in the topology for home exam 1 are irrelevant to the implementation. The exam asks to assign MIP address to each interface, and use the MIP addresses in the routing table and updates.
Download mininet VM for Home Exam 1:
For compression 7z file in IFI machine locally:
- Download the source code from to local disk
- Uncompress the file using bunzip2 and tar (available in IFI machine)
- Using uname -a command, find the type of kernel --- 32 or 64-bit.
- cp makefile.linux_(type) makefile.linux
- make all_test
- path/bin/7z x mininet-vm-x86_64.qcow2.7z
Home Exam 1 asks to *extend* the MIP daemon by incorporating the routing functionality. However, the routing process can be implemented either inside the MIP daemon or outside the daemon. For example, the MIP daemon could communicate with a "routing daemon" using the same interface as it does with any other application, say the ping client or server. Alternatively, the routing process could be built into the MIP daemon itself. Either way, the routing process should not block other processes.
1. A VM with X manager is uploaded --- Wireshark, mininet are also available in the VM. Username is mininet, password is mininet, and user mininet has sudo access.
2. A python script is also uploaded along with README file.
There will be an extra group session on friday 10:15-12:00. See the lecture plan for details.
There will be an introduction to the mandatory assignment and it will also be possible to ask questions about the assignment.