Teaching Plan / Undervisningsplan

Dato Undervises av Sted Tema Kommentarer / ressurser
22.01.2015 Carsten Griwodz  KN Lille aud (1207) Course overview  Introduction slides (updated 23.1.2015),
Kapittel 1 i Tanenbaum
29.01.2015 Carsten Griwodz  KN Lille aud (1207) Physical layer  Physical layer slides (updated 29.1.2015)
Ment ? f?lge kapittel 2.1-2.5 i Tanenbaum.
Men bedre presentert i kapittel 3-5 i Forouzan.
05.02.2015 Carsten Griwodz KN Lille aud (1207) Link layer Link layer slides (updated 5.2.2015).
Kapittel 3 i Tanenbaum
Release of mandatory assignment (oblig)
19.02.2015 Michael Welzl KN Lille aud (1207) Network layer

Network layer slides (updated 19.2.2015)

Kapittel 4 i Tanenbaum

26.02.2015 Michael Welzl  KN Lille aud (1207)  Network layer

Mandatory assignment (oblig) submission deadline 

05.03.2015 Michael Welzl KN Lille aud (1207) Network layer / Transport layer

Transport layer slides

Kapittel 6 i Tanenbaum

Release of home exam 1

12.03.2015 Michael Welzl KN Lille aud (1207) Transport layer


19.03.2015 Michael Welzl KN Lille aud (1207)  Transport layer  
26.03.2015 Carsten Griwodz KN Lille aud (1207)  Application layer (DNS, HTML, SMTP)

Application layer slides (DNS, HTML, SMTP)
Kapittel 7.1, 7.2 og 7.3 i Tanenbaum

09.04.2015 Kjetil Otter Olsen KN Lille aud (1207) Guest lecture: Hardware, network of UiO, UNINETT etc.

Guest lecture slides

Home exam 1 submission deadline

16.04.2015 Carsten Griwodz KN Lille aud (1207) Application layer

?Release of home exam 2

30.04.2015 Carsten Griwodz  KN Lille aud (1207) Application layer (ALF/ILP, RTP)

1. Application layer slides (ALF/ILP, RTP) (updated 16.4.2015)

2. Application layer slides contd.

07.05.2015 Michael Welzl KN Store aud (2116) (mostly) Wireless communication

Wireless slides

Kapittel 4 i Tanenbaum

Home exam 2 submission deadline

21.05.2015 Michael Welzl KN Lille aud (1207) New Internet standards New Internet standards slides (updated 20.05.2015)
28.05.2015 Michael Welzl KN Lille aud (1207) A critical look at the Internet / Alternative network architectures

A critical look at the Internet / alternative network architectures slides (updated 27.05.2015)

04.06.2015 Both KN Lille aid (1207) Summary lecture

Things that are not covered in the Tanenbaum book (Michael Welzl), (updated 04.06.2015)

cntd. (Carsten Griwodz)   (updated 03.06.2015)


Publisert 17. des. 2014 17:32 - Sist endret 4. juni 2015 10:06