EXTRA LECTURE In the last lecture, sufficiently many of you were interested in having a final lecture, with your questions, etc. Therefore, we will have such a final lecture (entirely based on your questions by email) Friday, Juni 1. Lille Auditorium should be available from 12.15 to 14.00.
Let me know if you are interested in an extra lecture the week before the exam (I'm in Cyprus the week of the exam). Let me know if you will attend, when you can(not) attend, and what subject(s)/exercise(s) you want me to talk about.
I think that Thursday or Friday are the most appropriate days, but let me know.
Obligatorisk oppgave 3 er endelig ute. Frist 11/5.
(Mandatory homework assignment 3 is finally out! Due May 11.)
We have now finished grading the midterm exam. The results are posted next to my office door in 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken, Office 31146.
(Regarding Exercise 2.3, it could indeed be solved using lpo, so don't worry, an lpo solution gives full score, of course.)
Two things
- Oblig2 /Mandatory homework assignment 2 is out. Due March 2.
- Don't forget that the lecture on Monday starts at 9.50!
Ang?ende Eclipse for Maude, fikk jeg f?lgende mail fra en student: "Jeg bare skulle gi tilbakemelding p? at plugin til Eclipse for Maude fungerer utmerket! Den kan hentes fra Enkleste m?te ? installere p? er ? bruke den innebygde "find and install" funksjonen til Eclipse og lime inn update-siten til denne pluginen (, da g?r alt automatisk."
Her er kompendiet (Here are my lecture notes )
Obligatorisk oppgave 1 er n? ute. (Med forbehold om mulige sm? oppdateringer.) Frist 9.2.
Mandatory homework assignment 1 out. Due Feb 9, 6pm.
Husk ekstra forelesning (extra lecture) onsdag 24.1 kl 10.10-12.xx i seminarrom 3B, eller/or torsdag 25.1 kl 12.15-14.xx i seminarrom 3A.
Det vil bli forelesning begge dagene, men de dekker samme stoff, s? man trenger bare komme p? en av forelesningene.
Merk at det er en "ekstra" forelesning den f?rste uken, slik at vi f?r startet p? kurset i rimelig tid