Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
12.01.2009Peter ?lveczky? Lille Auditorium, Ifi? Introduksjon til kurset; litt om signaturer (introduction; signatures)? Kapittel 1 og 2 av l?reboka/Chapters 1 and 2 of the lecture notes

Slides for the lecture (slides suitable for printing )

Obligatorisk oppgave 1

Mandatory homework assignment 1?

13.01.2009Daniela Lepri? Ifi, room 3A, 12.15-14.00? Forelesning: likhetsspesifikasjoner (*lecture!*)? Slides?
19.01.2009Peter ?lveczky? Lille Aud., Ifi? Order-sorted spesifikasjoner og innebygde moduler ? Slides?
20.01.2009Peter ?lveczky? Room 3B, Ifi? Oppgaver/Exercises? Oppgavesett 1

Problem set 1 in English?

26.01.2009Peter ?lveczky? Lille Aud., Ifi? Assosiativitet og kommutativitet; operasjonell semantikk? Slides

?Oblig 2 er ute. Frist 20/2

Mandatory homework assignment 2 is out. Deadline February 20. ?

27.01.2009Peter ?lveczky? Room 3B, Ifi? Oppgavegjennomgang/Exercises? Oppgavesett 2/Problem Set 2?
30.01.2009? ? ? Innleveringsfrist obligatorisk oppgave 1

Deadline for mandatory homework assignment 1?

02.01.2009Daniela Lepri ? Lille Aud., Ifi? Terminering/termination? Slides??
03.02.2009Daniela Lepri? Room 3B, Ifi? Oppgavegjennomgang/Exercises? Oppgavesett/Problem Set 3??
09.02.2009Daniela Lepri? Lille Aud., Ifi? Konfluens/Confluence? Slides?
10.02.2009Daniela Lepri? Room 3B, Ifi? Oppgavegjennomgang/Exercises? Oppgavesett/Problem Set 4?
16.02.2009Daniela Lepri ? Ifi, Lilla Aud.? Equational logic and inductive theorems? Slides?
17.02.2009Daniela Lepri? Room 3B, Ifi? Oppgavegjennomgang/Exercises? Oppgavesett/Problem Set 5?
20.02.2009? ? ? Innleveringsfrist obligatorisk oppgave 2

Tentative deadline for mandatory homework assignment 2 ?

23.02.2009Peter ?lveczky? Lille Aud., Ifi? Introduction to Part II. Rewriting logic? Slides??
24.02.2009Peter ?lveczky? Room 3B, Ifi? Oppgavegjennomgang/Exercises? Oppgavesett/Problem Set 6?
02.03.2009Peter ?lveczky? Lille Aud., Ifi? Distributed objects in (Full) Maude? Slides (in Norwegian)??
03.03.2009?lveczky/Lepri? Room 3B, Ifi? Oppgavegjennomgang/Exercises? Oppgavesett/Problem Set 7??
09.03.2009Peter ?lveczky? Lille aud., Ifi? Modeling communication in Maude (I)? Slides?
10.03.2009?lveczky? Room 3B, Ifi? Oppgavegjennomgang/Exercises? Oppgavesett 8/Problem Set 8?
16.03.2009?lveczky? Lille aud., Ifi? Modeling communication in Maude (II)/Alternating bit protocol? Slides (in Norwegian)

Etter denne forelesningen har man grunnlag for ? l?se obligatorisk oppgave 3

After this lecture, you can solve mandatory homework assignment 3?

17.03.2009Daniela Lepri? Room 3B, Ifi? Oppgavegjennomgang/Exercises? Oppgavesett 9/Problem Set 9?
23.03.2009Peter ?lveczky (?)? Lille aud., Ifi? Two-phase commit protocol for distributed databases/Temporal properties (requirement spec's) ? Slides (in Norwegian)

?Maude specification of 2PC (uses the file new-LINK.maude

Submitted draft (accepted to an 'International Symposium') describing the use of Maude and Real-Time Maude on 2PC


24.03.2009Daniela Lepri? Room 3B, Ifi? Oppgaver/Exercises? Oppgavesett 10

Problem Set 10?

30.03.2009Peter ?lveczky? Lille aud., Ifi? Cryptographic protocols (NSPK protocol) ? Slides (in Norwegian)??
31.03.2009Peter ?lveczky? Room 3B, Ifi? Oppgaver/Exercises? Oppgavesett 11/Problem Set 11??
06.04.2009---? ---? ---? According to University regulations, this week is devoted to hard self-study. Therefore no lecture. ?
07.04.2009------? ------? ------? P?skearbeidsuke (ingen oppgavegjennomgang)

(Easter working week; no seminar.) ?

13.04.2009----? ----? ----? P?skearbeidsuke (ingen forelesning)

This is a national holiday, to allow all Norwegians to attend church this day. So, no lecture. ?

14.04.2009-------? -------? -------? No seminar this day, due to unavailable teachers. ?
20.04.2009------? ------? ? No more lectures!?
21.04.2009Daniela Lepri? Room 3B, Ifi? Oppgaver/Exercises ? Oppgavesett/Problem Set 12??
22.04.2009? ? ? Forel?pig innleveringsfrist Oblig 3

Tentative deadline for mandatory assignment 3?

28.04.2009Daniela Lepri? Room 3A, Ifi? Exercises/Oblig 2? Subject for this seminar??
05.05.2009Peter ?lveczky? Ifi, room 3A? Exercises from earlier exams? Oppgavesett 14/Problem Set 14??
12.05.2009Peter ?lveczky? Ifi, rom 3A? Exercises? Oppgavesett 15/Problem Set 15?
12.05.2009Peter ?lveczky? Room 3A, Ifi? Exercises from previus exams? Oppgavesett 16/Problem Set 16??
26.05.2009Peter ?lveczky ? Room 3A, Ifi? Exercises from previous exams ? Oppgavesett 17/Problem Set 17 ?
05.06.2009Eksamen (exam)? ? 8.45-12.00 (???)? Eksamen. Sjekk universitets offisielle sider for ? v?re sikker p? tid og sted.

Final exam. Check official web pages for time and place. Most likely 8.45am.?

Published Feb. 12, 2009 4:03 PM - Last modified May 22, 2009 5:31 PM