Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
18.01.2010Peter ?lveczky? Lille Auditorium, Ifi? Introduksjon til kurset; litt om signaturer (introduction; signatures)? Slides (printable slides (no overlays) )

Obligatorisk oppgave 1

Mandatory homework assignment 1?

19.01.2010Peter ?lveczky? Ifi, Lille auditorium, kl 12.15-14.00? Forelesning: likhetsspesifikasjoner (*lecture!*)? Slides for Lecture 2?
22.01.2010Peter ?lveczky ? Veilabben, seminarrom *508* kl 12.15-14.00? Forelesning: likhetsspesifikasjoner (*lecture!*)? Slides for Lecture 2?
25.01.2010Peter ?lveczky? Lille Aud., Ifi? Order-sorted spesifikasjoner og innebygde moduler ? Slides for Lecture 3?
29.01.2010Daniela Lepri? Veilabben, seminarrom 510? Oppgaver/Exercises? Oppgavesett 1

Problem set 1 in English?

01.02.2010Peter ?lveczky? Lille Aud., Ifi? Assosiativitet og kommutativitet; operasjonell semantikk? Slides from the lecture (in Norwegian this time)

Oblig 2 er ute. Frist 24/2

Mandatory homework assignment 2 is out. Deadline February 24.

Notice that there is a typo in the English version of Exercise 1e from the exam in 2002:

'Can you give an example of a system that can be shown terminating using the lexicographic path ordering but cannot be shown terminating using lpo?'

should of course be

'Can you give an example of a system that can be shown terminating using the exam ordering but cannot be shown terminating using lpo?'

Thanks to Benjamin Johansson for pointing out this embarrassing mistake!?

05.02.2010Peter ?lveczky? Veilabben, seminarrom 510? Oppgavegjennomgang/Exercises? Oppgavesett 2/Problem Set 2?
08.02.2010Daniela Lepri ? Lille Aud., Ifi? Terminering/termination? Slides (in English)?
10.02.2010? ? ? Innleveringsfrist obligatorisk oppgave 1

Deadline for mandatory homework assignment 1 ?

12.02.2010Daniela Lepri? Veilabben, seminarrom 510 ? Oppgavegjennomgang/Exercises? Oppgavesett 3/Problem Set 3

(l?sningsforslag p? norsk ) (solutions in English )

and try to do some of the exercises on termination in oppgavesett 4/problem Set 4

(l?sningsforslag p? norsk ) (solutions in English )?

15.02.2010Peter ?lveczky ? Lille Aud., Ifi? Konfluens/Confluence? Slides (in English this time)


19.02.2010Peter ?lveczky? Veilabben, seminarrom 510? Oppgavegjennomgang/Exercises? Do the rest of the termination exercises in oppgavesett 4/problem set 4 and the confluence exercises in oppgavesett 5/problem set 5

(l?sningsforslag p? norsk ) (solutions in English )?

22.02.2010Peter ?lveczky? Ifi, Lilla Aud.? Equational logic and inductive theorems? Slides in English?
26.02.2010Daniela Lepri? Veilabben, seminarrom 510 ? Oppgavegjennomgang/Exercises? Oppgavesett 6/Problem Set 6

(l?sningsforslag ) (solutions in English )

In addition, we will also discuss some termination problems from Oppgavesett 4/Problem Set 4 and some confluence problems from Oppgavesett 5/Problem Set 5 ?

01.03.2010Peter ?lveczky? Lille Aud., Ifi? Introduction to Part II. Rewriting logic? Slides (in Norwegian)?
03.03.2010? ? ? Innleveringsfrist obligatorisk oppgave 2

Deadline for mandatory homework assignment 2?

05.03.2010Daniela Lepri? Veilabben, seminarrom 510 ? Oppgavegjennomgang/Exercises? Oppgavesett 7/Problem Set 7

(l?sningsforslag ) (solutions in English )?

08.03.2010Peter ?lveczky? Lille Aud., Ifi? Distributed objects in (Full) Maude? Slides (in English)??
12.03.2010?lveczky/Lepri? Veilabben, seminarrom 510 ? Oppgavegjennomgang/Exercises? Oppgavesett 8/Problem Set 8??
15.03.2010Peter ?lveczky? Lille aud., Ifi? Modeling communication in Maude (I)? Slides (in English)??
19.03.2010Daniela Lepri? Veilabben, seminarrom 510 ? Oppgavegjennomgang/Exercises? Oppgavesett 9/Problem Set 9?
22.03.2010Daniela Lepri? Lille aud., Ifi? Modeling communication in Maude (II)/Alternating bit protocol? Slides (in English)

Etter denne forelesningen har man grunnlag for ? l?se obligatorisk oppgave 3

After this lecture, you can solve mandatory homework assignment 3?

26.03.2010Daniela Lepri? Veilabben, seminarrom 510 ? Oppgavegjennomgang/Exercises? Oppgavesett 10

Problem Set 10??

29.03.2010---? ---? ---? According to University regulations, this week is devoted to hard self-study. Therefore no lecture. ?
02.04.2010------? ------? ------? P?skearbeidsuke (ingen oppgavegjennomgang)

(Easter working week; no seminar.) ?

05.04.2010----? ----? ----? P?skearbeidsuke (ingen forelesning)

This is a national holiday, to allow all Norwegians to attend church this day. So, no lecture. ?

09.04.2010-------? -------? -------? No seminar this day, due to teacher unavailability and of course because there was no lecture on Monday.?
12.04.2010Peter ?lveczky? Lille aud., Ifi? Two-phase commit protocol for distributed databases/Temporal properties (requirement spec's) ? Slides (in Norwegian)

Maude specification of 2PC (uses the file new-LINK.maude

Submitted draft (accepted to an 'International Symposium') describing the use of Maude and Real-Time Maude on 2PC


16.04.2010Daniela Lepri? Veilabben, seminarrom 510 ? Oppgaver/Exercises? Oppgavesett 11/Problem Set 11?
19.04.2010Peter ?lveczky? Lille aud., Ifi? Cryptographic protocols (NSPK protocol) ? Slides (in Norwegian)??
21.04.2010? ? ? Forel?pig innleveringsfrist Oblig 3

Tentative deadline for mandatory assignment 3?

23.04.2010Daniela Lepri? Veilabben, seminarrom 510? Oppgaver/Exercises? Oppgavesett 12/Problem Set 12


26.04.2010------? ------? ? No more lectures!?
30.04.2010Daniela Lepri? Veilabben, seminarrom 510? Oppgaver/Exercises ? First, you can do the exam from 2009 and then (if time) the midterm exam in 2008 and then the final exam in 2008

?Solution, Exam 2009

Solution, Final Exam 2008

Solution, Midterm Exam 2008??

07.05.2010Daniela Lepri? Veilabben, seminarrom 510 ? Exercises? We continue with the midterm exam in 2008 and the final exam in 2008?
14.05.2010Peter ?lveczky? Veilabben, seminarrom 510 ? Exercises from earlier exams? Oppgavetsett 15/Problem Set 15

L?sningsforslag/solutions midterm exam, 2007(note, however, that lpo can prove termination of the system in Problem 2.3)

L?sningsforslag/solutions final exam, 2007?

21.05.2010Peter ?lveczky? Veilabben, seminarrom 510 ? Exercises? Oppgavesett 16/Problem set 16?
28.05.2010Peter ?lveczky? Veilabben, seminarrom 510 ? Exercises from previus exams? Last seminar. Let me know if you have any wishes regarding topics and exercises to discuss and/or clarify.

We continue with the exam problems we have not discussed yet, such as Exercises 213, 216, 217, 218, 219, 221, 227. For best exercise, I would of course specify and execute in Maude Exercises 213, 221, and 227.?

04.06.2010Eksamen (exam)? ? 8.45-12.00 (???)? Eksamen. Sjekk universitets offisielle sider for ? v?re sikker p? tid og sted.

Final exam. Check official web pages for time and place. Most likely 8.45am.?

Published Jan. 12, 2010 10:53 PM - Last modified May 21, 2010 5:28 PM