Have a nice summer and good luck with your remaining exams!
I see that the location for the written exam has been announced.
I will visit you in the exam room approximately at 9:30, and you can ask me questions concerning the exam. Thus, it will be beneficial for you to read through the exam tasks before I arrive.
If you have ordered a Norwegian exam paper but also would like to see the English one, you can request it from the administrators in the exam room.
Good luck!
All members of each group must submit the group report at Devilry please.
The deadline for your assignment 5 delivery is extended by one week.
New delivery deadline is Friday 20 May, kl 23:59
You all would have been assigned your candidate numbers, from the student administration by then.
Good luck,
Hani and Jens
For those who didn't supply us yet a list of their group members and project domain, please do that.
The rest of the tutorials for this semester will focus on your project task, and I will be happy to give you weekly feed back to your ongoing drafts and report structure.
Rachael Brooke and Cecilia Persson, who are technical writers with our health information systems project, will present their experience during the lecture 14. April.
I am away Tuesday 29 Mars. Finalize your group compositions and project domains for assignment 5, and read the relevant material in your text book about evaluation of training material.
I am available for 2 hours after Jen's lecture on Thursday 31 Mars, same room if available (3443), otherwise I will post new room information.
Schedule for your assignment 4 presentations is posted now under the "Mandatory assignments" folder.
Please upload your assignments to Devilry individually. We have extended the deadline for delivering assignments 1, 2 and 3 until midnight Sunday 6 March.
We will discuss functional and structural understanding of the software in you assignments. Background for Assignment 2.
A revised presentations' schedule is uploaded, under " Mandatory assignments". Please stick to that, and note that getting approved assignments is a pre-requisite for taking the final exam.
The schedule for your assignment 1 presentations is uploaded to the "presentations folder" under mandatory assignments.
A review of 10 commercial products. Wink is free.
Literature and slides for the first lecture are available the Schedule --> Lectures.
If you have a laptop, please bring it to the lectures.
Jens Kaasb?ll