You can find an exemplary solution from 2018 exam on the Lecture side for 14 May. For exams 2016 and earlier.
Please note that all group members have to hand in assignment 3 in Devilry in order to be eligible for the exam. The deadline is today, 16th of May at 23:59.
Good luck!
I can give you ffedback during the lecture on Tuesday 14 May if you send me the draft by Monday 16:00. Jens
Permitted material during the written exam: All written and printed.
To deliver a decent report, you need to get started early and get supervision from Kathinka / me during your work. Before the Easter break, you should definitely have:
- a topic
- contacts and acceptance at your place of investigation
- read the relevant chapter in the textbook
- read previous reports on the same topic.
Good luck,
Jens K
Please e-mail me ( your groups for assignment 3 along with your preliminary suggestions for topics within the end of the workweek.
Deadline: Friday the 5th of April 23:59!
The lesson on Wednesday the 3rd of April will be used for a second round of presentations of assignment 2. A schedule has been e-mailed to all students who will be holding a second presentation.
Other students are welcome to attend, but we will not be working on assignment 3 this week.
Training and documentation for DHIS2 --> See tabs Learn and Academy, the DHIS2 Fundamentals (online course) in particular. Software demo
Please note that all members of a group should upload the groups delivery in Devilry, and that all deliveries should contain both part I and II of the written deliverables. Any extra materials (hand-outs etc.) should also be uploaded to Devilry.
All students who haven't told the tutor Kathinka about their group and topic yet have to tell her asap with an email to