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Del 1 Informasjonssystemer og-infrastrukturer i organisasjoner:
Susan Leigh Star og Karen Ruhleder (1996): “Steps Toward an Ecology of Infrastructure: Design and Access for Large Information Spaces”. Information Systems Research, vol. 7, nr. 1, s. 111-134.
Ole Hanseth og Kristin Braa (2000): “Who’s in Control? Designers, Managers –or Technology? Infrastructures at Hydro”. I boka Ciborra et al. (2000): ”From Control to Drift. The Dynamics of Corporate Information Infrastructures”, Oxford University Press, s.125-147.
Ole Hanseth, Edoardo Jacucci, Miria Grisot og Margunn Aanestad (2007): “Reflexive integration in the development and implementation of an electronic patient record system”. I Hanseth og Ciborra (red.) “Risk, Complexity and ICT”, s. 118-135.
Michael Hammer (1990): "Reengineering Work: Don?t automate, obliterate". Harvard Business Review, July- August 1990, s. 104-112.
Knut Rolland og Eric Monteiro, E. (2002): Balancing the Local and the Global in Infrastructural Information Systems. The Information Society, vol. 18, nr. 2, s. 87 – 100.
Vidar Heps?, Eric Monteiro og Knut Rolland (2009): Ecologies of eInfrastructures, Journal of the AIS (JAIS), vol. 10, nr. 5, 2009, s. 430-446.
Ole Hanseth og Nina Lundberg (2001): Designing Work Oriented Infrastructures Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), vol. 10, nr. 3-4, s. 347-372.
Kapittel 9 i online bok: Hanseth and Monteiro: “Understanding information infrastructures”. Finnes p?: http://heim.ifi.uio.no/~oleha/Publications/bok.html
Del 2 - Inter-organisatoriske systemer (IOS) og informasjonsinfrastrukturer p? sektorniv?:
Ole Hanseth og Eric Monteiro (1997): “Inscribing behavior in information infrastructure standards”. Accounting, Management & Information Technology, vol.7, nr. 4, s. 183-211.
Ole Hanseth og Margunn Aanestad (2003): “Design as Bootstrapping. On the evolution of ICT networks in health care”. Methods of Information in Medicine, vol. 42, no. 4, s. 385-391.
Stefan Henningson og Ole Hanseth (draft 2010): The Essential Dynamics of Information Infrastructures. Manuscript in progress, draft version.
J?rn Braa, Ole Hanseth, Arthur Heywood, Woinshet Mohammed og Vincent Shaw (2007): Developing Health Information Systems in Developing Countries: The Flexible Standards Strategy. MIS Quarterly, Special Issue on Information Systems in Developing Countries, vol. 31, september 2006.
Del 3 - “Universelle” infrastrukturer og ?pne plattformer
Janet Abbate (1994): The Internet Challenge: Conflict and Compromise in Computer Networking, In Summerton (red.): Changing Large Technical Systems, s. 193 - 210.
Barry M. Leiner m.fl. (1997): The past and future history of the Internet, Commun. ACM 40, 2, s. 102-108.
Ole Hanseth og Kalle Lyyttinen (2010) “Theorizing about the design of Information Infrastructures: design kernel theories and principles”, Journal of Information Technology, vol. 25, nr. 1, s. 1-19.
Petter Nielsen og Margunn Aanestad (2006): Control Devolution as Information Infrastructure Design Strategy: A case study of a content service platform for mobile phones in Norway. Journal of Information Technology, vol. 21, nr. 3, s. 185-194.
Petter Nielsen og Ole Hanseth (2010): Towards a design theory of usability and generativity, Paper presentert p? ECIS 2010, (18th European Conference of Information Systems).