Exercise next Monday!
Hi everybody,
we shall start the paper exercise sessions next Monday, 4-Sep-2017
Note the time: 14:15-16:00!!! (I think I got that wrong on my slide in the intro-lecture)
You shall try to answer the following question:
for a nFET with parameters
W=1e-6; %m
L=1e-6; %m
uCox=200e-6; % A/V^2
UT=26e-3; %V
Vt=500e-3; %V
Vdd=3.3; %V
lambda=0; %parameter for Early effect, see lecture slides.
If Vs=0 and Vd=1.8V and Id is (1nA, 200uA, 600uA), what region of operation is the transistor in (i.e. Triode vs. Active and Weak Inversion vs Strong Inversion) and what value is Vg? Use the equations from the book and the right region of operation to get Vg!
best regards
Publisert 1. sep. 2017 13:43
- Sist endret 1. sep. 2017 13:43