Guest Lecture and Oblig 3 Testing on the Real Robot

According to your vote, the lecture on Evolutionary Robotics and ROBIN tour will take place on 9th May, 12:15 - 14:00. We will meet at OJD Seminarrom Prolog

As the last part of Oblig 3, you will be testing drawing the circle on a real CrustCrawler. It will take place during group sessions on 7 and 8 May (10-12). It is after the submission of Oblig 3(b) deadline, but this part is also obligatory to complete. You will be divided into small groups to test the code, and you should try it even if you had trouble finishing the final task of Oblig 3(b).

If you cannot come to any of the sessions on 7, 8 May, please email Fredrik stating the reason:

Publisert 26. apr. 2018 15:31 - Sist endret 26. apr. 2018 15:48