
Dato Undervises av Sted Tema Kommentarer / ressurser
22.08.2012 Dino Karabeg  Logo (room 2438 i OJD)  Introduksjon til kurset  From Ch. 1 and 2 in Kompendium til IN210 by Karabeg/Djurhuus'

Slides from the lecture .  

29.08.2012 Stein Krogdahl  Smalltalk (room 1416 i OJD)   The textbook: Berman & Paul, Ch. 20  Search in strings. The relevant pages from the textbook (Ch. 20)

Slides in English (23/10)

Old slides in Norwegian

A note on O-notation, etc.(In Norwegian, not mandatory reading)

05.09.2012 Stein Krogdahl  Logo (room 2438 i OJD)  Dynamic programming  The relevant pages from the textbook (Ch. 9)

English version of the slides (23/10)

The old, Norwegian version of the slides)


Det aktuelle bok-stoffet (kap 9)

12.09.2012 Stein Krogdahl  Logo (room 2438 i OJD)  Search strategies: Depth-first, breadth-first, priority, and A*  Ch. 10 is partly old stuff from INF2220, and the rest is from chapter 23 in our textbook.

Slides from the lecture

19.09.2012 Petter Kristiansen and Torbjørn Rognes (from Bio-informatics)  Logo (room 2438 i OJD)  From Weiss (Textbook for INF2220): Ch. 6 (except 6.5 og 6.7) and ch. 11.4   First hour: Implementation of priority queues.

Slides, Note on heights.

Relevant pages from Weiss (textbook for INF2220).

Second hour: On algorithms that are used in Bio-informatics(e.g. searching in gene-sequences).

Slides from the BioInformatcs lecture

26.09.2012 No lecture.       
03.10.2012 Stein Krogdahl and Rune Djurhuus  Logo (room 2438 i OJD)  Ch. 23.5, and guest lecture by Rune Djurhuus, about chess programs.  First hour: Ch. 23.5, about two-player-games and alfa/beta-cutoff (pruning).

Slides to the above

Second hour: Our guest Rune Djurhuus is Grand Master in chess, and he writes about chess every day in Aftenposten. He also has a masters degree from Dep. of Informatcs at UiO!

Slides for chess lecture

10.10.2012 Dino Karabeg  Logo (room 2438 i OJD)  Undecidability  Most of Chapter 3.3 and pp. 82-83 from Chapter 3.4 in Dino Karabeg og Rune Djurhuus' Kompendium til IN210.

Lecture slides.  

17.10.2012 Dino Karabeg  Logo (room 2438 i OJD)  NP-completeness  Ch. 3.5 (Lecture 5) and the first part of Ch. 3.6 (Lecture 6), pp. 106 - 148 in Dino Karabeg and Rune Djurhuus' Kompendium til IN210.

Lecture slides.  

24.10.2012 Dino Karabeg  Logo (room 2438 in OJD)  Proving NP-completeness  End of Ch. 3.6 (Lecture 6) and all of Ch. 3.7 (Lecture 7), pp. 150- 183 in Dino Karabeg og Rune Djurhuus' Kompendium til IN210.

Lecture slides

31.10.2012 Stein Krogdahl  Logo (room 2438 in OJD)  Matching and Flow in Networks  Chapter 14


07.11.2012 Stein Krogdahl  Logo (room 2438 in OJD)  Triangulation and convex hull  Triangulation of point sets (the slides are the curriculum), and the convex hull of a point set (Ch. 8.6.2).

Complete version of the slides

Background reading


14.11.2012 Dino Karabeg  Logo (room 2438 in OJD)  Coping with intractability  Last regular lecture (but see 5th December): We cannot just give up on problems if they are difficult! We survey a number of techniques for dealing with complexity: approximation, probabilistic algorithms, parallel computing, heuristics...

Lecture slides

21.11.2012 No lecture       
28.11.2012 No lecture       
05.12.2012 Karabeg, Krogdahl, and Kristiansen  Logo (room 2438 i OJD)  Go through last year's exam, and answer questions  Exam 2011

Exam 2011, with answers

14.12.2012 Exam 2012, 09:00 (4 hours).   See home page for INF4130.    Note that you can bring any written or printed material to the exam. 
Publisert 17. aug. 2012 16:53 - Sist endret 7. feb. 2020 15:58