Undervisningsplan (detaljer om undervisningen).

NB:  For the weeks where the date is given in parenthes, the date for 2017 is not yet decided.  The order used there is the one used in 2016.

Dato Undervises av Sted Tema Kommentarer / ressurser

Dino Karabeg (DK)

OJD Rom 2452 Pascal

Introduction to Algorithms and Complexity



Lecture 1 pages 14-33 and Lecture 2 pages 36-42 and 46-55  in Kompendium til IN210 by Karabeg/Djurhuus.

Weekly assignments (ukeoppgaver): Number 3,4,5 and 6 from the Kompendium (Ch. 4).

The solutions are provided in the Kompendium.

Petter Kristiansen (PK)
OJD Rom 2452 Pascal
String Matching
Ch 20, except 20.5 (see "Pensum/L?ringskrav")
Stein Krogdahl (SK)
OJD Rom 2452 Pascal
Dynamic Programming
Ch 9, and Ch. 20.5
11/9-2017 SK OJD Rom 2452 Pascal Matching and flow in networks

Ch. 14.


Exerci. sept. 14 & 15


18/9-2017 PK OJD Rom 2452 Pascal Search strategies: Depth-first, breadth-first, priority, and A* search.

Ch. 10 is partly old stuff from INF2220 (or other courses in "Algorithms and Data Structures"), and the rest is from chapter 23 in our textbook.  For Ch.10 see "Pensum/l?ringskrav".


Exerci. Sept. 21 & 22

Proposed solutions


SK and Rune Djurhuus
OJD Rom 2452 Pascal
First hour: About two-player-games and alpha/beta cutoff (pruning).
Second hour: About chess-playing programs: How good are they? How do they work? What about programs playing other games?
First hour: Ch. 23.5 in textbook
2/10-2017 DK OJD Rom 2452 Pascal Undicidability

Lecture 2 pages 52-55, Lecture 3 main ideas from pages 56-59, Universal Turing machine construction from pages 62-63, pages 66-67 and 70-78; Lecture 4 pages 80-83 in Dino Karabeg og Rune Djurhuus' Kompendium til IN210 .


Exercises Oct. 5 & 6

Solution proposal

9/10-2017 PK and Torbj?rn Rognes OJD Rom 2452 Pascal

First hour: Implementation of priority queues

Second hour: Torbj?rn Rognes: On algorithms that are used in Bio-informatics(e.g. searching in gene-sequences)

First hour: Ch. 6 in textbook (B&P) and 
Ch. 6 Mark Allan Weiss (6.5 and 6.7) NOT part of the curriculum


Exerci. Oct. 12 & 13

Proposed solutions

Slides Bio-informatics


OJD Rom 2452 Pascal
Lecture 5 pages 106-131, Lecture 6 pages 132 - 139, definition of Satisfiability and statement and proof idea of Cook's theorem on pages 140-148 in Dino Karabeg and Rune Djurhuus' Kompendium til IN210.
23/10-2017 DK OJD Rom 2452 Pascal Proving NP-completeness

Lecture 6 pages 150-159; Lecture 7 pages 160- 183 in Dino Karabeg og Rune Djurhuus'  Kompendium til IN210.


Exerci. Oct. 26 & 27

Copies from G&J

Solutions are in Kompendium


OJD Rom 2452 Pascal
Coping with NP Completeness I: Smart exhaustive search; approximation;  heuristics

Lecture 9, definition and NP-completeness proof of the TSP problem, pages 214-217; Lecture 10, concepts and main ideas on pages 236-273 in Kompendium til IN210 by Karabeg/Djurhuus.

Exerci. Nov. 2 & 3:  No. 32, 34 and 36 in Kompendium.
OJD Rom 2452 Pascal
Coping with NP Completeness II: Average-case analysis; algorithms that do well on average; probabilistic and parallel algorithms
Lecture 11 pages 274-287, the main ideas of the Hamiltonicity algorithm pages 288-289; Lecture 12 p. 290-295 and only main ideas of material on pages 308 and 312-315 in Kompendium til IN210 by Karabeg/Djurhuus.
Solutions to problems are provided in Kompendium. The ten questions are intended to help you review the material presented in class – and detailed in Kompendium (see above).
OJD Rom 2452 Pascal
Two-dimensional point sets: Triangulation and the convex hull
For triangulation the slides are the curriculum. The convex hull algorithm is described in chapter 8.6.2
20/11-20 No lecture      


DK, PK and SK
OJD Rom 2452 Pascal
Go through last year's exam, and answer questions

Exam 2016

Answers to exam 2016

kl. 09:00
EXAM 2017


Publisert 20. juli 2017 14:30 - Sist endret 8. des. 2017 15:34