The curriculum is found here (under the folder "eksamen", but the file is hidden and I am not allowed to change that): Curriculum (pdf)
You may find some hints for solution to most exercises under: here
The last lecture is Dec. 6 (asynchronous agents, part II)
and there are group sessions Dec. 5 and Dec. 12.
(I do not have access to edit the schedule pages.)
Note that no printed or written materials are permitted at the exam
(nor digital devices).
The lecture for today will be postponed a week due to illness.
There will not be group discussion today (Nov 21). We'll resume with the group discussion next week.
No lecture on Nov 1 and no group session on Tuesday Oct 31. You may work with oblig 2.
The following compendium could be useful for a deeper understanding of Hoare Logic.
It focuses on sequential programs and is written in Norwegian.
Additional material can be accessed at
We are taking a one week break in course due to the Simula 50 year workshop this Wednesday So no lecture 27.9 and no group session Tuesday Oct. 3. This should give you more time with oblig1.
In the Academica bookstore at Blindern.
Additional material can be accessed at
with an IFI/UiO login account. All other material (slides, exercises etc) are publically available without need of logging in.