
Publisert 12. des. 2018 19:00

The following set of slides can be used for the exam

and annotated with your own remarks. For the preparation for the exam I recommend to have a look at the obligs (without the prover implementation part).

Arne Tobias ?degaard solutions for the exercises in 2017 can be found at  (some of the exercises in 2018 have (slightly) changed!)

The exam will take place on Monday, 17 December at Sal 3D Silurveien 2 (see also the official website).

Publisert 7. des. 2018 10:14

The repetition session will take place on

  • Monday, 10 December from 13.15 to 16.00 in seminar room Perl (OJD building).

I will answer questions and present solutions to some of the oblig exercises. We will also have a short competition session with the provers submitted as part of oblig 2.

I recommend everybody to attend this repetition session.

Publisert 1. des. 2018 16:08

Remember to submit your solution to Oblig 2 today. If (for some reason) you cannot make the deadline, please get in touch with us, i.e. with me (Jens) or Asbj?rn.

Publisert 27. nov. 2018 23:35

The deadline for submitting Oblig 2 is extended to Saturday, 1 December 2018, 23:59.

Publisert 15. nov. 2018 23:59

There will be group sessions on the 16th and 23rd November where questions to oblig 2 can be asked and discussed.

The additional material for oblig 2 is available, see link in message below.

Publisert 9. nov. 2018 01:34

The second obligatory exercises are available (see schedule at Gruppeundervisning). Deadline for handing in solutions via is 29 November 2018. These exercises will also be discussed during the group meeting next week (16 November) and the week after next (23 November).

Supplementary material (e.g. test formulae for exercises O2.2 and O2.3) are available at Supplementary Material for "Oblig 2".

Publisert 25. okt. 2018 16:39

The official deadline for handing in the solutions for Oblig 1 is tomorrow (26 October). If you need more time, you can still submit your solution through until Monday (29 October).

Publisert 24. okt. 2018 23:54

The following document contains information on how to write proofs in LaTeX: logic_uio18_oblig_latex.pdf (the matrix.sty file is necessary for writing connection proofs). It is not a requirement to prepare your solutions using LaTeX.

All solutions have to be submitted as a single PDF file, also in case of scanned (readable!) handwritten solutions.

18 (out of 30) points are necessary to pass the Oblig.

Publisert 16. okt. 2018 09:39

There will be no lectures this week (on 16 and 18 October), but there will be a group session on Friday (19 October) at the usual time and location, where questions about the Oblig 1 can be asked and discussed.

Publisert 12. okt. 2018 17:34

The first obligatory exercises are available (see schedule at Gruppeundervisning). Deadline for handing in solutions via is 26 October 2018. These exercises will also be discussed during the group meeting next week (19 October).

Publisert 9. okt. 2018 16:45

On Thursday  (11 October) the lecture will take place in seminar room Pascal (Ole-Johan Dahls building).

Publisert 27. sep. 2018 22:03

On this Friday (28 September) the group session will take place in seminar room Perl (Ole-Johan Dahls building).

Publisert 25. sep. 2018 09:59

The lecture today about DPLL will be given by Martin Giese, the lecture on Thursday about Description Logic will be given by Leif Harald Karlsen; there will also be a group session on Friday.

Publisert 30. aug. 2018 02:22

The INF3170/4171 group session will take place

  • every Friday at 14.15 (until 16.00)
  • in seminar room Shell (Ole-Johan Dahls building).

The exercises can be found on the website of the group session schedule.

Publisert 3. aug. 2018 19:33

The first lecture will be on the 28th of August.

Publisert 6. juli 2018 03:09

Forelesningene vil h?sten 2018 foreg? p? engelsk.

The lectures in autumn 2018 will be given in English.