
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
27.08.2008LOB? Seminarrom 508 Veglaboratoriet? Introduksjon til kurset og til bioinformatikk? Book, section I, chapter 1 and 2.

Brazma A. et al. (2001) A quick introduction to elements of biology

Lecture 01?

03.09.2008ABK? Seminarrom 508 Veglaboratoriet? Gens?k? Book, chapter 6, 7, 8 and 9

Lecture 02

Exercise 1?

10.09.2008TR? Seminarrom 508 Veglaboratoriet? Pairwise sequence alignment? Book, chapter 3

Article: Eddy S (2004) What is dynamic programming? Nature Biotechnology, 22, 909-911.?

17.09.2008TR? Seminarrom 508 Veglaboratoriet? Database similarity searching? Book, chapter 4?
24.09.2008LOB? Seminarrom 508 Veglaboratoriet? Genetikk & bioteknologi? Book, chapter 17

NCBI Molecular genetics and biotechnology methods

NCBI What is a genome

Lecture 05?

01.10.2008ABK? Seminarrom 508 Veglaboratoriet? Biostatistikk? Introduction to Statistics (I) , Test statistics and multiple hypothesis testing

Lecture 06


08.10.2008LOB? Seminarrom 508 Veglaboratoriet? Mikromatriser 1? Book, chapter 18

NCBI Microarrays

Lecture 07?

15.10.2008LOB? Seminarrom 508 Veglaboratoriet? Mikromatriser 2? Deadline for the first partial exam:

English version

Norsk utgave

DNA microarray analysis: Principles and clinical impact

Lecture 08?

22.10.2008TR? Seminarrom 508 Veglaboratoriet? Multiple sequence alignment and sequence profiles? Book, chapter 5?
29.10.2008TR? Seminarrom 508 Veglaboratoriet? Phylogenetics? Book, chapters 10 and 11?
05.11.2008JKL? Seminarrom 508 Veglaboratoriet? Strukturell bioinformatikk 1? Book, chapters 12-15

Lecture 11

Structural bioinformatics exercises??

12.11.2008JKL? Seminarrom 508 Veglaboratoriet? Strukturell bioinformatikk 2? Book, chapters 12-15

Lecture 12

Deadline for the second partial exam.

English version

Norsk utgave??

19.11.2008Alle? Seminarrom 508 Veglaboratoriet? Oppsummering / sp?rsm?l? Gjennomgang av deleksamen 1

Summary lectures LOB

Summary lectures ABK?

Publisert 4. aug. 2008 18:25 - Sist endret 19. nov. 2008 16:20