
Publisert 29. mai 2012 16:37

In accordance with the guidelines from the Dept. of Informatics, the exam paper will only be available in English (because the lectures and curriculum were in English). Permitted aids will be "Any written material and approved calculator". Good luck on the exam!

Publisert 15. mai 2012 18:08

The lab on Friday will take place in Seminarrom Perl (room 2453).

Publisert 14. mai 2012 15:29

We will look at last years exam in the lab on friday.

Publisert 10. mai 2012 10:23

Project presentations will be on Monday, 14.5, 12:15-13:00.

Publisert 8. mai 2012 18:07

There is no lab this friday (11.5), just the problem solving class.

Publisert 30. apr. 2012 14:28

The project presentations are moved to 14.05. It is mandatory to present the project.

Publisert 23. apr. 2012 14:21

As discussed in the lecture, try to follow the IMRaD structure when writing the project report. E.g. Nifty gadget

Publisert 19. apr. 2012 19:30

There is no regular lab tomorrow (20.04), however Kody will come by to answer questions. If you have questions regarding the project, the curriculum, or the course in general, you can always come by my office (5405). -J?rgen.

Publisert 12. apr. 2012 11:24

No problem solving session on 13 Apr. -Kody

Publisert 30. mars 2012 14:25

The deadline for the final project report (27.4) is extended by one week to 4.5. This is because the DAC lecture was one week behind according to the original schedule.

Publisert 14. mars 2012 10:13

For the next lecture, 19.3, we will use the full three hours (10:15-13:00).

Publisert 23. feb. 2012 15:05

Instructions for running the post layout simulation (PLS) flow here

Publisert 11. feb. 2012 16:21

The inputs to the ideal amplifier for use in the project are swapped. Thanks to Ali for discovering this.

Publisert 27. jan. 2012 16:23

The project assignment text is now available here

Publisert 26. jan. 2012 12:17

Maziar Ghahramani has kindly voluntereed to be reference student this semester. Please talk to him if there are issues, problems, or suggestions for the course that you do not want to discuss directly with Kody or J?rgen.

Publisert 26. jan. 2012 12:06

Lab and problem solving class will begin next friday (03.02.2012).

Publisert 17. jan. 2012 11:01

Lectures will continue as scheduled in 2453 Perl (next lecture January, 23.). There is no lab or problem solving class this week.

Publisert 16. jan. 2012 09:52

Slides for the first lecture is available here

Publisert 9. jan. 2012 09:45

First lecture 16. January, see the lecture plan

Publisert 3. jan. 2012 10:42

J?rgen A. Michaelsen will be lecturing INF4420 this spring (-Snorre Aunet).