
Publisert 30. mai 2016 08:34

CTO Alf Olsen will present the company Ideas. For more info see:


Publisert 23. mai 2016 18:21

Due to a low number of students following the course this spring we need to ensure a certain participance to invite an external company to hold a presentation. Possible dates are:

Mon 30/5 12.15 - 14.00

Tue 31/5 14.15 - 16.00

Wed 1/6 10.15 - 12.00

If you know you will be able to attend one or more of these dates, please fill in the Doodle poll below


Publisert 23. mai 2016 18:10

Please note that the Course summary will be presented on Wednesday 25/5. 

Publisert 11. mai 2016 10:44

Based on feedback from student, we agree to extend the deadline for the project until Mon May 16th (end of day). 

Publisert 11. mai 2016 10:36

The following chapter with exceptions are course syllabus and relevant for the exam:


Chapter 10 (Except: 10.5 and 10.6)

Chapter 11 (Except: 11.3, 11.4, 11.5 and 11.6)

Chapter 13

Chapter 14 (Except: 14.3, 14.5 and 14.9)

Chapter 15 (Except: 15.4)

Chapter 16 (Except: 16.3 and 16.4)

Chapter 17 (Except: 17.4.2, 17.4.3, 17.4.4, 17.6.1 and 17.8)

Chapter 18 (Except: 18.2.6, 18.2.7, 18.6, 18.8 and 18.9)

Chapter 19 (Except: 19.3, 19.4.3 and 19.5)



Chapter 10 (Except: 10.5 and 10.6)

Chapter 11 (Except: 11.3, 11.4, 11.5 and 11.6)

Chapter 13

Chapter 14 (Except: 14.3, 14.5 and 14.9)

Chapter 15 (Except: 15.4)

Chapter 16 (Except: 16.3 and 16.4)

Chapter 17 

Chapter 18 (Except: 18.2.6, 18.2.7, 18.6, 18.8 and 18.9)

Chapter 19 

Publisert 20. apr. 2016 16:58

Download the updated veriloga code here.

You have to update the symbol yourselves.

Publisert 29. mars 2016 13:24

Foreleser er syk i dag. Forelesning flyttes / utsettes.

Publisert 14. mars 2016 14:56

Due to the eastern vacation, the decline for the project test bench description is moved from 25.03.2016 to 29.03.2016.

Publisert 25. feb. 2016 20:18

Download SAR verilog code and symbol here.

Publisert 10. feb. 2016 16:29
Publisert 7. feb. 2016 21:04

Due to the change of schedule last week, lectures will be given on both Tuesday and Wednesday this week. On Tuesday Sample-and-Hold will be the main topic and maybe first part of chapter 2. On Wednesday the exercise class will be replaced by a lecture on the remaining parts of chapter 2.

Publisert 2. feb. 2016 09:17

Today Girish will present the design project in the ordinary lecture. Dag has been delayed from ETSI meeting in UK and need to postpone the chapter 2 lecture to another day. The lecture plan will be updated accordingly.

Publisert 31. jan. 2016 22:10
Publisert 26. jan. 2016 13:27

Computer lab moved to Fortress room 3468.