
Publisert 2. juni 2020 17:05

Timeslot and other info related to the oral examination have been sent by email to all students who have submitted the final project report. If you have not received such email, please contact Dag on email:

Publisert 2. juni 2020 13:15

The detailed schedule for the Zoom exam will be sent out later today. Just waiting for some details from the administration.

Publisert 18. mai 2020 11:36

Since Thursday May 21st is a bank holiday in Norway, we will postpone the project demo until Monday May 25th. Sorry about the confusion. Please use this updated Doodle poll:

This means you do not have to submit anything before this date. You only demonstrate your design and then later submit the final report at the final deadline.

Publisert 15. mai 2020 15:49

The deadline for demonstrating the working project design is postponed to Thursday May 21st. We will set up individual group sessions between 12.00 - 14.15 where each group can demonstrate the status of their project design using Cadence. If you for some reason is not fully finished with layout or other tasks, please do still register and demonstrate what you have done. You may still tune your design and document results until the final deadline for the report. Please register your group here

Doodle poll:

Publisert 4. mai 2020 01:03

Course curriculum and key topics are found here:


Publisert 28. apr. 2020 15:38

As a result of the Coronavirus situation, we have decided the following changes for the course project:

  1. Assignment 4.5 in the project will not be required for the project. You are not required to address this task.
  2. These two deadlines for the project are also shifted:

04.05.2020 -> 18.05.2020 - Design and simulations for the entire circuit should be completed for both schematic and layout. The system performance should be demonstrated with simulations and approved by the lab teacher.

18.05.2020 -> 31.05.2020 - The project should be completed and the final report submitted.

Publisert 7. apr. 2020 13:32

Due to the Coronavirus situation the exam will change. The exam in the course will now be oral exam using Zoom with PASS / FAIL grading. The exam dates will be June 4th and June 5th and students will be notified which day they should prepare for. The oral exam will count 60% towards the final grade while the project will count for 40%. 

Publisert 30. mars 2020 13:35

In order to facilitate individual sessions with each lab-group, we are trying out a booking method using Doodle. Every week going forward we will publish a Doodle link at the lab-schedule page where each group can book one time slot for guidance / questions. We will use the same Zoom meeting for all groups and the link will also be published on the lab-schedule page. For the Thursday session, please register your preference here:

Please reserve one time slot per group. If you have problems registering or cannot find a suitable time, let us know.

Publisert 22. mars 2020 14:43

We will use Zoom for teaching until we can move back to classroom teaching. You will find Zoom links under each lecture going forward. You will be automatically muted when joining the "meeting", and please un-mute if you have a question / comment.

Publisert 17. mars 2020 09:44

We are planning to set up interactive on-line sessions for lectures, exercises and labs, but if you want access to recorded lectures, you may have a look at the lectures from 2019. Although the curriculum is not 100% the same these recorded lectures may still be helpful:


Click on Forelesningsopptak... for each lecture where available

Publisert 16. mars 2020 02:03

Due to the Coronavirus situation there will be no teaching this week. We are working to set up on-line teaching from next week.

Publisert 5. mars 2020 11:54

To access Piazza, use the following link:

You can then discuss in the group and send questions etc.

Publisert 13. feb. 2020 09:52

The course project assignment can be found here

Publisert 5. feb. 2020 07:27

Since the chapter 11 lecture is not completed, exercises from that chapter are postponed to later.

Publisert 22. jan. 2020 08:07
Publisert 12. jan. 2020 16:14

We will start the course with an introductory lecture on Tuesday January 14th.