
Publisert 25. mai 2021 08:06

Zoomlink til muntlig eksamen er her

Publisert 21. mai 2021 14:34

Det er muntlig eksamen i INF4480  p? tirsdag 25. mai. Timeplan for eksamen ligger her
Vi vil legge ut zoom-link til eksamen (med venterom) p? tirsdag.


Publisert 7. mai 2021 14:48

Siste forelesning i INF4480 blir tirsdag 18. mai. Dette blir en oppsummeringsforelesning der vi g?r gjennom formatet p? muntligeksamen og svarer p? sp?rsm?l fra dere.

Last lecture in INF4480 will be Tuesday, May 18. This will be a summary lecture where we go through the format of the oral exam and answer questions from you.

Publisert 7. mai 2021 13:22

Det blir muntlig eksamen i INF4480 tirsdag 25. mai. Eksamen blir p? zoom. Vi kommer tilbake til tidspunkt for hver student senere.



It will be oral exam in INF4480 on Tuesday, May 25. The exam will be on zoom. We will come back with schedule per student.

Publisert 19. jan. 2021 17:57

INF4480 will continue to have digital lectures on zoom until further notice.

Publisert 17. jan. 2021 15:14

The course now has a Padlet page for questions and comments of general interest related to the lectures and the projects.

Use this link

Publisert 17. jan. 2021 15:01

We use Devilry for delivery and approval of projects in INF4480.

Sign in through

INF4480 should be among your courses in Devilry if you have signed up for the course this semester. 

Note that the deadline for project 1 is Tuesday January 26, 10:15.

Publisert 7. jan. 2021 08:09

The first lecture in INF4480 will be Tuesday January 12, 10:15 - 12:00.

The lecture will be digital (on zoom). Use this link to connect.