SPRING 2012: Information for interested students Our meetings will take place on Wednesdays from 12:15 - 15:00.
Draft essay: If you want comments on the draft version of your essay, please send it to me or deliver it to me before May 10. Information about format and comments you can expect, are sent to you in an email. Success!
We meet in the same room as last week: SHELL (room nr. 1456) - The room can be found on the first floor, next to the elevator in the North side of the building (coming from the canteen, you walk almost to the end of the corridor).
We will meet Monday, January 31 in room C (room number 3437) on the third floor. Please try to find the room before 12:15 so we can begin on time. I hope that the week after we can start using our regular room (Postscript).
IMPORTANT! Our regular meeting room (Postscript) is not yet ready. We will meet Monday 24 January in the large meeting room on the 7th floor (7166). This is the meeting room next to the offices of the Design of Information Systems group.
Glad you found your way to the course website! We start Monday, 24 January at 12:15 in GA06 2458 Postscript (second floor). It is the room next to the revolving door at the North side of the building (the entrance you use when you come from 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken T-bane station.