Presentations Topics and Schedule







Time & Place




Focus on .Net's component concept, CLR and .Net Remoting. Also include some information about COM & COM+.

  • MSDN1
  • MSDN2
  • Book: "Component Software: Beyond object-oriented programming" by Clemens Szyperski, 2002, (ISBN 0-201-74572-0)

Group 9

Group 5

Thursday 23.10, 10:15-12:00, 3B - IFI



Middleware for sensor networks and distributed sensor applications

Description of/introduction to such middleware.

  • Kay Romer, Oliver Kasten, Friedemann Mattern, "Middleware challenges for wireless sensor networks", ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Communications Review, Vol.6 (No.4), 2002
  • Yang Yu et al, Issues in Designing Middleware for Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Network, Jan/Feb 2004
  • W. B. Heinzelman et al, Middleware to support Sensor Network Applications", IEEE Network, Jan/Feb 2004

Group 2

Group 3

Thursday 23.10, 10:15-12:00, 3B - IFI



Distribution transparency considered harmful?

Should distributed systems behave like centralized systems? This topic is a follow-up of the introduction lecture on design of distrbuted systems, It inlcudes the presentation of a paper by Jim Waldo et al "A Note on distributed computing" from 1994 and the subsequent discussions that this paper triggered. The latter requires a little research/googling by the students.

Group 6

Group 8

Thursday 30.10, 10:15-12:00, 3B - IFI




Bittorent and its comparison with
other commonly used P2P networks.

Group 1

Group 2

Thursday 30.10, 10:15-12:00, 3B - IFI



Video streaming on the Internet

This topic address video streaming on the Internet. Basic streaming concepts and priciples of solutions have been covered at the lecture. Yet, the lecture has not gone into implementation details. The focus should be on streaming servers and protocols for streaming video.

  • Wu, D. et al., "Streaming video over the Internet: approaches and directions", IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., 11 (3), 282-300, 2001.

Group 8

Group 10

Thursday 06.11, 10:15-12:00, 3B - IFI



Mobile middleware

Description and comparison of CARISMA and MADAM. In particular analyse and explain how they differ in method of expressing adaptation policies (logic for deciding when and how to adapt).

  • L. Capra et al, "CARISMA: Context-aware reflective middleware system for mobile applications", IEEE Transactions on softeware engineering, 29(10):929-945. October 2003. Look here !
  • K. Geihs et al, "A comprehensive solution for application-level adaptation", Practice and Experience, DOI: 10.1002/spe.900 (published online), Wiley, 2008, 33p, Look here !

Group 5

Group 7

Thursday 06.11, 10:15-12:00, 3B - IFI



Agreement Protocols

Describe Paxos as a representative consensus protocol
that is an important building block in many practical
systems (Google's Chubby, Yahoo's ZooKeeper, Microsoft's

(It is important to present and explain both the
protocol and its behavior under different failure
scenarios. Beware of inaccuracies: the article lists
liveness as a safety property.)

Group 4

Group 6

Thursday 13.11, 10:15-12:00, 3B - IFI




Basic pub-sub including concepts, applications, and semantics have been covered at the lecture. Yet, the lecture has not gone into implementation details and challenges. Students are to present either a typical imlementation (such as Siena or Gryphon) or fundamental problems of building pub-sub overlays as outlined in the listed PODC 2007 paper.

Group 3

Group 4

Thursday 13.11, 10:15-12:00, 3B - IFI



Enterprise Java Beans in the enterprise

Guest Lecture


Harald S?vik


Thursday 20.11, 10:15-12:00, 3B - IFI



Group communication

The paradigm of view-oriented group communication is feature-rich. The lecture will cover the basic concepts in this area and consider a few representative properties:

  • how they facilitate development of distributed applications,
  • possible implementations and their cost.

The students are to consider a wider scope of group-communication properties and explore them to a greater depth by comparing alternative implementations. Alternatively, the students can take a representative group-communication system and consider the full range of properties it provides.

Group 7

Group 1

Tuesday 25.11, 14:15-15:00, Lille Auditorium - IFI



Streaming overlays

What are streaming overlays? A look at/comparison of some of the following; Splitstream, Coopnet, AquaLab, Coolstreaming, Joost.

Group 10

Group 9

Thursday 27.11, 09:15-10:00, Lille Auditorium - IFI


Published Oct. 15, 2008 5:34 PM - Last modified Nov. 27, 2008 12:38 PM