
Dato Undervises av Sted Tema Kommentarer / ressurser
25.01.2013 Tor Skeie  OJD 2458 Sem.rom Postscript  Introduction to the course  Intro
25.01.2013 Steinar Bjørnstad  OJD 2458 Sem.rom Postscript  Fiber-optical communication  Introduction to optical networking
08.02.2013 Tor Skeie  OJD 2458 Sem.rom Postscript  IP-router architecture  IP router architecture
15.02.2013 Morten Engelsåstrø   OJD 2458 Sem.rom Postscript  MPLS applications   MPLS
01.03.2013 Taric Cicic  OJD 2458 Sem.rom Postscript  Multicast i Internet   Multicast communications
08.03.2013 Yan Zhang   OJD 2458 Sem.rom Postscript  Internet of Things   Internet of Things
15.03.2013 Tor Skeie  OJD 2458 Sem.rom Postscript  IP QoS frameworks: IntServ & DiffServ   QoS
05.04.2013 Haakon Bryhni   OJD 2458 Sem.rom Postscript  WLAN communication  WLAN

Christophe Birkeland

OJD 2458 Sem.rom Postscript  Cyber threats and advanced malware 


Cyber threats

19.04.2013 Elin Sundby Boysen OJD 2458 Sem.rom Postscript  SIP (Session Initiation Protocol), IMS and Multimedia signalling  SIP
26.04.2013 Paal E. Engelstad OJD 2458 Sem.rom Postscript   IPv6 IPv6


Publisert 17. jan. 2013 15:58 - Sist endret 29. apr. 2013 15:17