
Published Nov. 14, 2016 7:38 PM

Since many of the students attending INF5063 is also attending UNIK4270, and this course have moved their final exam, we have decided to repeat what we did for Home Exam 2. We are moving the deadline for delivering the code for Home Exam 3 until after the presentation on November 30th.

New deadline for delivering Home Exam 3 will be Friday December 2nd at 15:00. The deadline for the posters will still be at noon on November 29th. 

Published Nov. 10, 2016 12:24 PM

There are some changes to Home Exam 3.

Due to stability issues with the PCI Express implementation on the Tegra X1 boards, we have decided to replace the ARM machines with x86 computers in the assignment. 

This will reduce the complexity of the assignment, since x86 does not have the same challenges as ARM with regards to I/O coherency. 

Machines are now available. Check the Dolphin-FAQ for more details. The Home Exam description has also been updated to reflect the new setup.

Published Nov. 4, 2016 1:51 PM

To enable more groups to test the non-mandatory assignment, we will start configuring machines for Home Exam 3 on Monday November 7th.

A solution to the non-mandatory assignment 3 have been posted as a branch in the git repo. We recommend all groups doing the assignment before starting on Home Exam 3.

Published Oct. 31, 2016 9:15 PM

Framework (Bitbucket) and machines (Dolphin-FAQ) for Non-Mandatory Assignment 3 are now available. 

Published Oct. 24, 2016 9:43 AM

Because of some hardware and issues the deadline for Home Exam 2 have been extended until Thursday October 27th at 15:00. Remember, you still have to hand in poster and present the poster on the lecture on Wednesday October 26th as previously announced.

Published Sep. 24, 2016 11:18 AM

Devilry have now been activated for all registered groups. If you have not been added, contact us immediately on or Slack.

Deliver your code and report in Devilry.

The deadline e-mailing the poster to is noon (12:00) on Tuesday September 27th.

Published Sep. 23, 2016 7:33 PM

The tractor (1080p) and foreman (CIF) input files are now available on SD cards on the Jetson TX1's. This should be faster and more stable than accessing the files over the NFS-mounted home directories. 

The path is: /mnt/sdcard

Published Aug. 24, 2016 3:28 PM

INF5063 in Fall 2016 will be taught as a block seminar.

There will be four full days of lectures (09:00-15:00). The dates are 31. August, 28. September, 26. October and 30. November. The lectures will be held at Simula Research Laboratory, at Fornebu.

In addition there will be three group sessions (14:15-17:00). The dates are 8. September, 6. October and 3. November. The group sessions will be held at Department of Informatics.

For directions to Simula Research Laboratory and more details, check the course web pages.