Syllabus/achievement requirements

IMPORTANT Please check this site periodically, as it might change throughout the semester.

The syllabus consists mainly of the lectures, and some complementary literature provided by the lecturers. The articles marked as optional are intended as recommended support literature. Exam questions will not be asked directly from them, but they will help you understand more of the topics.

The lectures treated as core syllabus are: "Future Internet - Why and what", "Realtime multimedia in the presence of firewalls and NATs", "Ad-hoc networks", "Delay tolerant networking", "DSMS for sensor networks and event processing", "Future Internet - ANA", "Energy efficient sensor networks", and "CacheCast".


In the following, * means cursory topics.

Future Internet - Why and what

M. Siekkinen, V. Goebel, T. Plagemann, K.-A. Skevik, M. Banfield, I. Brusic: Beyond the Future Internet - Requirements of Autonomic Networking Architectures to Address Long Term Future Networking Challenges, 2007. IEEE. Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems. ACM Digital Library.

Realtime multimedia in the presence of firewalls and NATs

Fredrik Thernelius: SIP, NAT and Firewalls, 2009. Department of Teleinformatics, Kungl Tekniska Hogskolan (KTH), Stocholm. Master Thesis (Optional). Columbia University.

F. Audet, C. Jennings: Network Address Translation (NAT) Behavioral Requirements for Unicast UDP, 2007. IETF. (Optional). IETF.

D. Thaler, L. Zhang: AB Thoughts on IPv6 Network Address Translation, 2009. IETF. (Optional). IETF.

Ad-hoc networks

Young-Bae Ko, Nitin H. Vaidya: Location-aided routing (LAR) in mobile ad hoc networks, 2006. ISBN: 1022-0038. Pages: 307 - 321, Volume 6 , Issue 4.. ACM Online.

Laura Marie Feeney: A Taxonomy for Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, 1999. SICS Technical Report T99/07. SICS.

C. Perkins, E. Belding-Royer, S. Das: Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) Routing (RFC 3561), 2003. (Optional). IETF.

T. Clausen, P. Jacquet: Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (RFC 3626), 2003. (Optional). IETF.

R. Ogier, F. Templin, M. Lewis: Topology Dissemination Based on Reverse-Path Forwarding (TBRPF) (RFC 3684), 2004. (Optional). IETF.

David B. Johnson, David A. Maltz, Yih-Chun Hu: The Dynamic Source Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (DSR) (RFC 4728), 2007. (Optional). IETF.

* Network monitoring

Dabek, F., Cox, R., Kaashoek, F., Morris, R.: Vivaldi: a decentralized network coordinate system, 2004. SIGCOMM Computer Communication. Rev. 34, 4. ACM Online.

Cha, M., Kwak, H., Rodriguez, P., Ahn, Y., Moon, S.: I tube, you tube, everybody tubes: analyzing the world's largest user generated content video system, 2006. Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGCOMM Conference on Internet Measurement. ACM Online.

Delay tolerant networking

Katrine Stemland Skjelsvik, Vera Goebel, Thomas Plagemann: Evaluation of Distributed Event Notification Protocols in Highly Unstable MANETs, 2005. Technical Report #328. Download.

Amin Vahdat, David Becker: Epidemic Routing for Partially-Connected Ad Hoc Networks, 2000. Duke Technical Report CS-2000-06. Internet Systems and Storage Group.

Wenrui Zhao, Mostafa Ammar, Ellen Zegura: A Message Ferrying Approach for Data Delivery in Sparse Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, 2004. The Fifth ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing. SigMobile.

* Publish/Subscribe internetworking

Rajahalme J, S?rel? M, Nikander P, Tarkoma S: Incentive-Compatible Caching and Peering in Data-Oriented Networks, 2008. Re-Architecting the Internet. NGN.

Petri Jokela (LMF), Andras Zahemszky (LMF), Somaya Arianfar (LMF), Pekka Nikander (LMF), Christian Esteve (LMF / Unicamp): LSPSIN: Line Speed Publish/Subscribe Inter-Networking, 2009. PSIRP technical report (TR09-0001). PSIRP.

DSMS for sensor networks and event processing

Plagemann, Thomas Peter, Goebel Vera Hermine, Bergamini Andrea, Tolu Giacomo, Urvoy-Keller Guillaume, Biersack Ernst: Using Data Stream Management Systems for Traffic Analysis - A Case Study, 2004. Passive and Active Network Measurement: 5th International Workshop. ISBN: 3-540-21492-5. Springer.

Brian Babcock, Shivnath Babu, Mayur Datar, Rajeev Motwani, Jennifer Widom: Models and issues in data stream systems, 2002. Proceedings of the twenty-first ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART symposium on Principles of database systems. ISBN: 1-58113-507-6. ACM.

Lukasz Golab, M. Tamer Ozsu: Issues in data stream management, SIGMOD Rec. ISBN: 0163-5808. ACM.

Jarle S?berg, Kjetil H. Hernes, Matti Siekkinen, Vera Goebel, Thomas Plagemann: A Practical Evaluation of Load Shedding in Data Stream Management Systems for Network Monitoring, 2007. First European Workshop on Data Stream Analysis. UiO.

Future Internet - ANA

ANA Project: ANA Blueprint Document, UiO.

C. Jelger, C. Tschudin, S. Schmid and G. Leduc: Basic Abstractions for an Autonomic Network Architecture, 2007. First IEEE Workshop on Autonomic and Opportunistic Communications (AOC). Optional. UiO.

Energy efficient sensor networks

Chapters 3, 4, 8 from Thomas Haenselmann's Sensor Networks book.



Srebrny, Piotr; Plagemann, T.; Goebel, Vera; Mauthe, Andreas / No more Deja vu - Eliminating Redundancy with CacheCast: Feasibility and performance gains., In: Ieee-Acm transactions on networking, 2013. Link from IEEE

Published Sep. 9, 2014 10:42 AM