
Published Dec. 7, 2016 2:30 PM

The schedual for the exams has now been set. You will be able to find your candidatenumber in your Studentweb.

SCHEDUAL INF5090/9090 AUTUMN 2016 

Published Dec. 6, 2016 11:50 AM

The oral examination will be on December 14th & 15th. The exact schedule will be published soon.

Each student will have 30 minutes of preparation (examn questions, empty sheets of paper and a pen - not other material/information sources are allowed). We assume that students make nots and drawing and use that during the examination to answer the questions. Directly after the 30 minutes preparation we will have the oral examination of 30 minutes.

Alle lectures given in the course are relevant for examination. We expect students to explain the content and to be able to not only answer "what" questions, but also "why" questions. It is therefore recommended to not only study the transparencies for preparation but also the papers provided in the lecture schedule.

We also recommend to train the situation of an oral examination. We can only grade what we hear from the candidates - not what a candidate knows, but is not able to communicate it to us.

Published Aug. 8, 2016 11:39 AM

Please not that the published lecture schedule might change ....