INF5100 recommended readings Fall 2006
For those who want more detail on the various subjects covered in INF5100.
Note: This list is not mandatory reading; it is only for those who want more detail on the various subjects covered in the course. For completeness we have included also some of the selected articles that are part of the course syllabus.
The list may change from time to time, with outdated entries being removed or replaced, and new ones added. Please check this page from time to time.
Last changed: October 19, 2006
A general source to a number of the issues raised in the course is
- ?zsu M. T. and Valduriez, P.: Principles of Distributed Database Systems, Second Edition, Prentice-Hall International, Inc., 1999.
Specific Subjects
Trends and future applications
- Jim Gray: The Next Database Revolution. Proc. 2004 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data.
- Ani Thakar, Alex Szalay, Peter Kunszt, Jim Gray: Migrating a Multiterabyte Archive from Object to Relational Databases. Computing in Science and Engineering, Volume 5, Issue 5, 2003. IEEE Educational Activities Department.
- Jim Gray: Thousands of DebitCredit Transactions-Per-Second: Easy and Inexpensive. Microsoft Research Technical Report: MSR-TR-2005-39, 1 April 2005.
Distributed Database Systems
- ?zsu M. T. and Valduriez, P.: Principles of Distributed Database Systems, Second Edition, Prentice-Hall International, Inc., 1999, Chapters 1, 4.
- Three-phase Commit Protocol
Source:- ?zsu M. T. and Valduriez, P.: Principles of Distributed Database Systems, Second Edition, Prentice-Hall International, Inc., 1999, Chapter 12.6.2.
- Voting Protocols
Source:- ?zsu M. T. and Valduriez, P.: Principles of Distributed Database Systems, Second Edition, Prentice-Hall International, Inc., 1999, Chapter 12.7.2.
- Distributed Garbage Collection
Source:- D. Plainfosse and M. Shapiro A Survey of Distributed Garbage Collection Techniques, Sections: 1, 2, and 3
- Distributed Object Clustering
Source:- S. Purao, H. Jain, and D. Nazareth A Comprehensive Approach to Effective Distribution of Object-Oriented Systems in Loosely Coupled Networks
Data management in sensor networks
- The main source to TinyDB is
Heterogenous Multidatabase Systems
- ?zsu M. T. and Valduriez, P.: Principles of Distributed Database Systems, Second Edition, Prentice-Hall International, Inc., 1999, Chapter 15.
Data stream management systems
Data Warehousing
- ?zsu M. T. and Valduriez, P.: Principles of Distributed Database Systems, Second Edition, Prentice-Hall International, Inc., 1999, Chapter 16.2.
Data Mining
- Kurt Thearling?s page is a very informative page, including pointers to books, publications and even a tutorial on data mining:
- See also pages of the Data Mining Group (DMG), especially documentation and reports offered on the site as well as the pages of its member organizations:
- Another good resource page is the data mining resources page of the Central Connecticut State University (CCSU). It has pointers to papers, other groups and even potential jobs (just to get an idea):
XML and the WWW
- ?zsu M. T. and Valduriez, P.: Principles of Distributed Database Systems, Second Edition, Prentice-Hall International, Inc., 1999, Chapter 16.3.
- W3C Extensible Markup Language Website (XML page and links to nearby pages),
- XML - a brief introduction,
- XML and Databases,
- XML and databases, Chapter 1 in XML for DB2 Information Integration,
Abstract: - An introduction to XQuery,
- Working with XML from Java,
The Semantic Web
- Portal for The Semantic Web:
- Davies, J., Fensel, D., Van Harmelen, F. (eds.), Towards the Semantic Web: ontology-driven knowledge management, John Wiley & Sons Ltd 2003. ISBN 0-470-84867-7.
- Tim Berners-Lee, James hendler and Ora Lassila: The Semantic Web, Scientific American, May 2001. link
- David Norheim and Roar Fjellheim: AKSIO - Active knowledge management in the petroleum industry, ESWC2006. link
Transaction models. Transaction management
- ?zsu M. T. and Valduriez, P.: Principles of Distributed Database Systems, Second Edition, Prentice-Hall International, Inc., 1999, Chapters 10-11.
Knowledge management
- M. Alavi and D. Leidner. Knowledge Management and Knowledge Management Systems: conceptual foundations and research issues; MISQuarterly Vol. 25 No.1, pp.107-136, March 2001.
- Deborah L. McGuinness. Ontologies Come of Age. In Dieter Fensel, Jim Hendler, Henry Lieberman, and Wolfgang Wahlster, editors. Spinning the Semantic Web: Bringing the World Wide Web to Its Full Potential. MIT Press, 2002.