Compila 16 language specification

1 Introduction

This document specifies and describes the syntax and the static semantics of the language Compila16. The dynamic semantics, i.e., the description of the language's behavior when being executed, should be fairly clear even without explicit specification, at least, clear enough for the first oblig which concerns itself with the front-end of the compiler, in particular, the syntactic aspects of the language, i.e., the lexer and the parser. Further details concerning the dynamic semantics might follow in connection with the second oblig.

1.1 Notational conventions and syntax of this document

In the description of the grammar later, we use capital letters for non-terminals. As meta-symbols for the grammar, we use (commas used as ``meta-meta symbols'' in the enumeration):

->,  |,  (,  ), {,  },  [,  ], "

Here, {...} represents iteration of zero or more times, [...] representions optional clauses. Everything else, written as contiguous sequences, are terminal symbols. Those with only small letters are reserved keywords of the meta-language.

Note that terminal symbols of the Compila-language are written in ``string-quotes'' (with a " at the beginning and the end) to distinguish them from symbols from the meta-language. Some specific terminal symbols are written in capitals, and without quotes. Those are

  • NAME,

See the following section about lexical aspects for what those terminal symbols exactly represent.

2 Lexical aspects

2.1 Identifiers and literals

  • NAME must start with a letter, followed by a (possibly empty) sequence of numeric characters, letters, and underscore characters. Capital and small letters are considered different.
  • All keywords of the languages are written in with lower-case letters. They cannot be used for standard identifiers
  • INT_LITERAL contains one or more numeric characters.
  • FLOAT_LITERAL contains one or more numeric characters, followed by a decimal point sign, which is followed by one or more numeric characters
  • STRING_LITERAL consists of a string of characters, enclosed in quotation marks ("). The string is not allowed to contain line shift, new-line, carriage return, or similar. The semantic value of a STRING_LITERAL is only the string itself, the quotation marks are not part of the string value itself.


Comments start with // and the comment extends until the end of that line (as in, for instance, Java, C++, and most modern C-dialects)

3 Data types

3.1 Built in data types

The language has 4 built-in types and user-defined types:

  • Built-in types
    1. floating point numbers ("float"),
    2. integers ("int")
    3. strings ("string"), and
    4. booleans ("bool").
  • User-defined types: Each (name of a) class represents a type

3.2 Classes

The language supports a (very) simple form of classes. The classes only contain instance variables as members, but neither supports methods nor inheritance nor explicitly programmable constructors. They support instantiation via the new keyword. Another aspect which resembles classes as in Java is that a variables of class type contains either a pointer to an object of that class type or the special pointer value null.1

4 Syntax

4.1 Grammar

The following productions in EBNF describe the syntax of the language. For precedences and associativity of various constructs, see later.

PROGRAM		   -> "program" NAME "begin" { DECL ";" }  "end" ";"
VAR_DECL	   -> "var" NAME ":" TYPE 
PROC_DECL	   -> "proc" NAME 
		      "(" [ PARAM_DECL { "," PARAM_DECL } ] ")"			      
		       [ ":" TYPE ] 
		      "begin" { DECL ";" } { STMT ";" } "end" 
CLASS_DECL	   -> "class" NAME "begin" { VAR_DECL ";" } "end" 
PARAM_DECL	   -> [ "ref" ] NAME ":" TYPE 
		    | "not" EXP	      
		    | EXP REL_OP EXP 
		    | EXP ARIT_OP EXP 
		    | "(" EXP ")" 
		    | LITERAL			  
		    | CALL_STMT 
		    | "new" NAME		     
		    | VAR 
VAR		   -> NAME 
		    | EXP "." NAME 
LOG_OP		   -> "&&" | "||" 
REL_OP		   -> "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" | "=" | "<>" 

ARIT_OP		   -> "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "#" 
		    | "true" | "false" | "null"	 
STMT               -> ASSIGN_STMT			  
		    | IF_STMT
		    | WHILE_STMT		     
		    | CALL_STMT
ASSIGN_STMT	   -> VAR ":=" EXP  
IF_STMT		   -> "if" EXP "then" "begin" { STMT ";" } "end"
			[ "else" "begin" { STMT ";" } "end" ] 
WHILE_STMT	   -> "while" EXP "do" "begin" { STMT ";" } "end"  
RETURN_STMT	   -> "return" [ EXP ]	
CALL_STMT	   -> NAME "(" [ ACTUAL_PARAM { "," ACTUAL_PARAM } ] ")"  
ACTUAL_PARAM	   -> "ref" VAR | EXP  
TYPE		   -> "float" | "int" | "string" | "bool" | NAME

4.2 Precedence

The precedence of the following constructs is ordered as follows (from lowest precedence to the highest):

  1. ||
  2. &&
  3. not
  4. All relational symbols
  5. + and -
  6. * and /
  7. # (exponentiation)
  8. . (``dot'', to access fields of an ``object'')

4.3 Associativity

  • The binary operations ||, &&, +, -, *, and . are left-associative, but # are right-associative.
  • Relation symbols are non-associative. That means that for example a < b + c < d is illegal.
  • It's legal to write not not not b, and it stands for not (not (not b)).

5 Parameter passing

When describing the parameter passing mechanisms of the language, the document distinguishes (as is commonly done) between

  • actual parameters and
  • formal parameters.

The actual parameters are the expressions (which include among other things variables) as part of a procedure call. The formal parameters are the variables mentioned as part of procedure definition. The language supports two parameter passing mechanisms:

5.1 Call-by-value

This is the default. The formal parameters are local variables in the procedure definition. When a procedure is being called, the values of the local parameters are copied into the corresponding formal parameters. This being the default, the parameters are just given without extra keywords specifying the parameter passing mechanism.

5.2 Call-by-reference

In this case, when calling a procedure the address of (or reference to) the actual parameter is passed into the formal parameter. Compila uses the keyword ref, which must be used in the procedure definition as well, in front of the corresponding actual parameters when calling the procedure.

5.3 Small example for call-by-reference

program SwapExample
    proc swap (ref a:  int, ref b : int) {
      var tmp : int;
      tmp := a;
      a := b;
      b := tmp;

  proc Main ( ) 
      var x : int;
      var y : int;
      x := 42;
      y := 84;
      swap (ref x,ref y);
      // now, x = 84 and y = 42

6 Standard library

The programming language comes with a standard library which offers a number of IO-procedures. All reading, i.e., input, is done from standard input (``stdin''). All writing, i.e., output is to standard output (``stdout'')

proc readint(): int read one integer
proc readfloat(): float read one float
proc readchar(): int read one character and return its ASCII value. Return -1 for EOF
proc readstring(): string read a string (until first whitespace
proc readline(): string read one line
proc printint(i:int) write an integer
proc printfloat(f:float) write one floating point number
proc printstr(s:string) write one string
proc printline(s:string) write one string, followed by a ``newline''

7 Static semantics / typing / evaluation.

This part is not needed for Oblig 1.

7.1 Binding of names

The using occurence of an identifier (without a preceding dot) is bound in the common way to a declaration. This association of the use of an identifier to a declaration (``binding'') can be described informally as follows: Look through the block or scope which encloses the use-occurence of the identifer (where the block refers to the procedure body or program). The binding occurrence corresponding to the use occurence is the first declaration found in this way. If no binding occurence is found that way, the program is erroneous. Formal parameters count as declarations local to the procedure body.

Use occurenccs of a name preceded by by a dot correspond to the clause EXP "." NAME in the production for the non-terminal VAR in the grammar. Those names are bound by looking at the type of EXP (which is required to be a class-type) and look up the field with name NAME in that class. It's an error, if EXP is not of class-type or else, there is not such field in that class,

7.2 Typing of compound constructs

  • expressions: expressions need to be checked for type correctness in the obvious manner. The whole expression (if it type-checks) will thus carry a type.
  • assignments: Both sides of an assignment must be of the same type. Note: it is allowed to assign to the formal parameters of a procedure. That applies to both call-by-value and call-by-reference parameters. Of course, the effect of an assignment in these two mechanisms is different.
  • conditionals and while loop: the condition (i.e., expression) in the conditional construct must be of type bool. Same for the condition in the while loop.
  • field selection:
    • the expression standing in front of a dot must be of class type.
    • the name standing after a dot are the name of a field/attribute of the class type of the expression in front of the dot. The type of the field selection expression (if it type checks) is the type as declared for the field of the class.

7.3 Types and implicit type coversion

It is allowed to assign an expression of type int to a variable of type float. The inverse situation is not allowed. There's no type cast operator. If an arithmetic expression has at least one operand of type float, the operation is evaluated using floating point arithmetic and the result is of type float. Exponentiation is always considered done with floating point arithmetic and the result is of type float.

7.4 Short-circuit evaluation

The logical operators && and || use so-called short-circuit evaluation. That means that if the value of the logical expression can be determined after one has evaluated the first part, only, the rest of the expression is not evaluated.

8 Procedures

  • In a procedure, all declarations are required to occur before executable code (statements). In a procedure, the same declarations are allowed as on the outermost, global scope, i.e., procedure-local declarations of variables, procedures, and classes are allowed.
  • Procedures called within an expression must have a defined return type. That type must match with the way the call is used in an expression.
  • Concerning the number and types of the parameters of a procedure: they must coincide comparing the declaration/definition of the procedure and the use of a procedure. That requirement applies also to the parameter passing mechanism (i.e., whether the variable resp. actual parameter is marked as ``by ref''.
  • Return statements:

    • A return-statment is allowed only in procedure-definitions. Such a statement marks that the procedure terminates (and returns). In addition, the return statement gives an expression for the value to be returned to the caller.
    • If a procedure is declared without return type, the procedure does not need a return statement. In that case, the procedure returns (without a return value) when the last statement in the procedure body has been executed.
    • If a procedure has declared a return type, its body is required to have a return statement (with corresponding expression of the correct type). That statement need to be the last statement in the procedure's body.

9 Further conditions

  • Declarations must be unique per block. Two declarations (within one block) of a procedure, a class, or a variable with the same name are considered as double declarations, which are forbidden.
  • The name of a formal parameter must not collide with names of local declarations within the procedure. Besides, the names of all formal parameters of one procedure must by distinct.
  • All names being used must be declared.
  • Each program must have a procedure named Main. This procedure is the one called upon start of the program.



Side remark: those class types and the corresponding objects are very simple. Without inheritance and methods and further ``object-oriented complications'', the class types resemble more closely to named record types than full classes —record types are otherwise also known as struct types— and objects correspond to records (also known as ``structs'').

Author: INF5110, spring 2016

Created: 2016-02-22 Mon 19:48
