Today: question & answer, especially oral exam
Here is the email as beskjed (for those who don't read emails...)
the last 2 ZOOM meetings were either empty or with one person. That's
fine, insofar there is no new material and if there are no question it
does not matter much.
It seems that officially (accoding to the centrally administered
timeplan), today is the last meeting. Of course, if question afterwards
comes up, it's fine as well.
But I will be there again today at the usual time (see below). One part
will (again) probably be about oral exams. We had that before, I have no
overview how many people where there last time, probably not
everyone. So if there are questions about that, please take the
In particular, the UIO or matnat have put out more information about the
exam. They said, they sent information to students, what to expect but
I don't know what they sent, I guess some links.
In particular relevant for the oral exam seems
where there is a section about ``info for students''. I will read
through those links in preparation and we can discuss unclear things in
that information. I also got some other emails from the administration
concerning exams, I will see if there is something interesting in there.
It's mostly about ``technical/administrative'' stuff (you need zoom, you
need a room which is not dark, you need a video and a mike, you need a
passport etcetc)
If you plan to be in the zoom meeting today, and want to know about the
exam, as a preparation I propose that you read through the link yourself
to see if everything is clear or needs clarification.
Other questions and discussions are welcome as well.