Dato | Undervises av | Sted | Tema | Kommentarer / ressurser |
22.01.2004 | Arne-J?rgen Berre? | Lille aud? | Introduction -OO, UML 1.5 and 2.0? | Literature references: UML and RUP (R1) Lecture notes? |
29.01.2004 | Arne-J?rgen Berre? | Lille aud? | MDA technologies and RUP Process? | Literature references: MDA and RUP (M1, M2, M12, R1, R2, R3) Lecture notes? |
05.02.2004 | Jan ?yvind Aagedal? | Lille aud? | Requirements Modeling? | Literature references: RUP and UML (R4, R5, R6, R7, R9) Lecture notes og Use Cases? |
12.02.2004 | Jan ?yvind Aagedal, Christoffer Daae-Quale? | Lille aud? | PIM Modeling Domain/Service? | Literature references: MDA and OptimalJ (M3, M4, M5) Introduction , PIM notes og F4 intro? |
19.02.2004 | Brian Elves?ter, Christoffer Daae-Quale? | Lille aud? | PSM Mapping EJB and DBMS? | Literature references: MDA and OptimalJ (M6, M10, O2) Intro , PIM Service og PSM EJB? |
26.02.2004 | Brian Elves?ter, Christoffer Daae-Quale? | Lille aud? | PSM Mapping Web and User Interface/Presentation rules? | Literature references: MDA and OptimalJ (M10, O3). Introduction to Web-User-Interface? |
04.03.2004 | Arne-J?rgen Berre, Christoffer Daae-Quale? | Lille aud? | Business Rules and Introduction to OCL? | Literature references: MDA and OptimalJ (M3, M11, O4). COMET Intro? |
11.03.2004 | Christoffer Daae-Quale, Brian Elves?ter? | Lille aud? | MDA/OptimalJ summary, patterns? | Literature references: MDA and OptimalJ (O5, R11, R12, R13, R14, R15)? |
18.03.2004 | Brian Elves?ter? | Lille aud? | Business og Requirements modeling? | Literature references: COMET? |
25.03.2004 | Jan ?yvind Aagedal? | Lille aud? | Non-functional requirements - Quality of service? | Literature references: Summary of IEEE 1471 , What is Model Driven Architecture? , Model-driven development: a metamodeling foundation , Modelling QoS: Towards a UML Profile og Foiler? |
01.04.2004 | Jan ?yvind Aagedal? | Lille aud? | Component Modelling - OCL? | Literature references: Artikkel og UML (Foiler )? |
15.04.2004 | Brian Elves?ter? | Lille aud? | COMET Architecture & PSM Modelling? | Literature references: COMET, R8, Foiler? |
22.04.2004 | Arne-J?rgen Berre? | Lille aud? | UML Fever og UML 2.0: Patterns og Refactoring? | Literature references: UML og Foiler? |
29.04.2004 | Birger M?ller Pedersen og ?ystein Haugen? | Lille aud? | UML 2.0 - ATM Excample? | Literature references: Foiler ? |
06.05.2004 | Arne-J?rgen Berre? | Lille aud? | MDA, OMF, MOF and QVT Transformations? | Literature references: (M7, 8, 9, 11, C) Foiler? |
13.05.2004 | Arne-J?rgen Berre? | Lille aud? | Bringing things together - Summary - preparation for excam? | (R16) Foiler og QVT dokument? |
Publisert 27. okt. 2003 16:07
- Sist endret 21. mai 2004 19:33