Date | Teacher | Place | Topic | Lecture notes / comments |
16.01.2012 | Arne-J?rgen Berre? | 2465 Seminarrom Prolog? | Introduction to Model Based System Development (INF5120)? | Slides Lecture 1? |
23.01.2012 | Arne-J?rgen Berre, Verna Allee? | 2465 Seminarrom Prolog? | SIE I: Enterprise Architecture, Role modeling-Collaboration and Value Networks? | Slides Lecture 2Guest lecture Value Network Analysis. See also online book: Value Netwoks and the true value of Collaboration – by Verna Allee (chapter 1 and 2)? |
30.01.2012 | Arne-J?rgen Berre, Peter Lindgren? | 2465 Seminarrom Prolog? | SIE II:: Business Process Modeling with BPMN 2.0 and Business Model Innovation? | Slides Lecture 3? |
06.02.2012 | Arne-J?rgen Berre? | 2465 Seminarrom Prolog? | SIE III: AT ONE – Service Design, Agile User-oriented design – with Use cases/stories and UI models? | Slides Lecture 4? |
13.02.2012 | Arne-J?rgen Berre ? | 2465 Seminarrom Prolog? | SIE IV: Service modeling with SoaML – Service modeling - Design, patterns? | Slides Lecture 5 (1)Slides Lecture 5 (2)Service design? |
20.02.2012 | Arne-J?rgen Berre ? | 2465 Seminarrom Prolog? | SIE V: Information Modeling with UML and Design with DCI - Design, patterns? | Slides Lecture 6 (1)Slides Lecture 6 (2)? |
27.02.2012 | Shihong Huang, Brian Elves?ter? | 2465 Seminarrom Prolog? | MDE I: Software Process Model Frameworks – Essence/SEMAT, SPEM, EPF and ISO 24744? | Slides Lecture 7 (1)Slides Lecture 7 (2)Slides Lecture 7 (3)? |
05.03.2012 | Franck Fleurey? | 2465 Seminarrom Prolog? | MDE II: Metamodels, Domain specific languages and UML profiles? | Slides Lecture 8 (1)Slides Lecture 8 (2)? |
12.03.2012 | Franck Fleurey, Ragnhild Halvorsrud? | 2465 Seminarrom Prolog? | MDE III: Metamodeling, MDLE and DSL Tools (EMF, GMF, ATL, Kermeta)? | Slides Lecture 9 (1)Slides Lecture 9 (2)? |
19.03.2012 | ? | 2465 Seminarrom Prolog? | MDE IV: Model transformations - MOFScript, QVT DSLs with examples? | Continuation of previous lecture - same slides as Lecture 9 (1)? |
26.03.2012 | Arne-J?rgen Berre? | 2465 Seminarrom Prolog? | MDE V: Method Engineering and CORAS UML profile: DSL example? | Slides Lecture 11? |
02.04.2012 | ? | ? | ? | Easter? |
09.04.2012 | ? | ? | ? | Easter? |
16.04.2012 | Knut Sagli (ESITO), Arne-J?rgen Berre? | 2465 Seminarrom Prolog? | MDE VI: User Interface Modeling – WebRatio-WEBML, ESITO-Genova, OMG IFML? | Slides Lecture 12 (1)Slides Lecture 12 (2)WebML model and concepts? |
23.04.2012 | Arne-J?rgen Berre, Ismar Slomic, ?ystein Gisn?s? | 2465 Seminarrom Prolog? | MDI I: SOA technologies, MDE for SOA (Accenture/NAV)? | Slides Lecture 13 (1)Slides Lecture 13 (2)? |
30.04.2012 | Arne-J?rgen Berre, Titi Roman? | 2465 Seminarrom Prolog? | MDI II: Model Driven Service Interoperability. Semantic web? | Slides Lecture 14 (1)Slides Lecture 14 (2)? |
07.05.2012 | Arne-J?rgen Berre? | 2465 Seminarrom Prolog? | MDI III: ADM and Migration to Cloud computing? | Slides Lecture 15 (1)Slides Lecture 15 (2)?? |
14.05.2012 | ? | 2465 Seminarrom Prolog? | Conclusion and Summary for INF5120 - Preparation of Exam? | ? |
Exam: June 4th, 2012 (Monday), 1430-1830 (4 hours)
- MDE = Model Driven Engineering
- SIE = Service Innovation and Engineering
- MDI = Model Driven Interoperability
All teaching takes place in room 2465 Seminarrom Prolog, Ole-Johan Dahls hus (IFI2 - the new informatics building)